Following the Roadmap: Research Bonuses Testing Has Concluded

Yes, thats true
but u forgett smt here

the main money dont come from old players that reached the top of the tree.

the main money comes from new players and also from whales who buy anythink for the sake of the grind.

If the grind is too long, once a paying customer completes a tree, they won’t bother buying any new premiums

u remember when u said this:

After the December sale, I’ll buy talismans for the low tier vehicles I’ve been wanting to play and go from there.

so you will buy stuff cause u dont like the grind… they already catched you.
You buy somethink because u dont want the grind while being in the forum at the same time complaining about it.

We can take me also as a good example,
even though i decided 5 years ago that i will not give them a singe dollar i still buy prem acc, talis, prem vehicles a lot.
But not with my money, i do it with my gaijin dollars that someone else is paying for when i trade stuff.

Btw, when a sale is going on, like the big one in coming soon, check the average level of the players, most of them are fresh on that br they just bought (ofc also a lot of whales)

No, I was specifically speaking about whales. Idk if I would be considered one, but I’d say I’ve spent over 2k on this game over a 1 year period.

If Gaijin pisses me off enough or makes the grind too hard, I’ll just stop playing and spending money entirely.

The only reason I’m okay with spending that much money is:

  1. I have a lot of disposable income

  2. I support Gaijin. For all their faults, they have made an amazingly detailed and in-depth game focusing on a topic I am very passionate about, and would like to see that continue. The only way it does is through money.

I’ve spent over 2k on this game over a 1 year

i dont want to be rude, but ure really not in the position to have any weight in your words then.
Your ideas are partially correct but ure the one that bites in his own tail.

U want a change? Stop spending 2k on the game every year then.
They already catched the whale in you. You got already fished.
They will not give you the money back.

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You want to keep War Thunder alive? You need players spending money.

If the community ever decides to do another boycott though, I will participate and stop buying stuff.

Otherwise, it’s business as usual.

First Ground RB game, did well, 1st place, 10% RP booster+10% RP booster with premium account. Got 6 kills, no deaths, a couple assists, 2 caps and only got 6k RP for modifications and 11k RP for the vehicle with this extra “bonus.”
Next 2 games weren’t good, bonuses wasted and gone. Useless.
That 11k RP in the first game should’ve been for every game, win or lose, without bonuses. If you do well, even if you lose, you should get rewarded. This 4k RP after 10 kills and a loss is just an insult. We shouldn’t want to rage quit over rewards, but the greed makes me hate this game.
The point is, we were unhappy about how greedy Gaijin has become and you still haven’t done anything to show us that’s changed. The RP rewards need to be raised A LOT or the RP required for higher class vehicles and the Modifications need to be REDUCED all around. All these calculations and insanely difficult and manipulative tactics are too much and Not fooling anyone. TRY AGAIN and don’t take another YEAR and a half to do it! STOP LYING TO US

Considering none of the feedback was utilized the first time, I’m just having a hard time believing anything will come from this test. If I had to take a guess:

  1. We will most likely see the available matches increase to something less than 10. Maybe 5, maybe 7, but no more than 10. It should be 10 at the minimum but I don’t see the Snail being that generous.
  2. Loosing the bonus the moment you purchase a top-tier will stay; with the argument just being “yes, but now you can talisman it”.
  3. It will be kept based on your “base RP reward” rather than going to your “total RP reward”, despite the fact that doing so would increase the value of premium account time and talismans (a direct financial benefit for Gaijin without doing anything).
  4. The reward percentages might go up by 5-10% but I feel skeptical on that.

Or absolutely none of this could happened and this is all we get because there’s just no evidence to support the idea they’d improve it this time around versus the initial announcement.

How it took 12 plus months to come up with this is…well crazy…


More like 18 months and because they had to “research” how to do it. As if they aren’t masters of manipulating the rewards and know exactly how it works. They just said nice things to make us feel good as long as they good with absolutely no intention of following through in any meaningful way with their promises.

My guess, they do this test week cause they now the proposed bonus will create a lot of rage in the forum and after the test they say “we hear you, we will increase it a tiny bit” and call it a day and that they did increased according to the feedback, but still much to little xD

or they make another vote with 3 options that are all bad… as usual

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With the bonus being in for a few days, I don’t think it’s significant enough to matter. It’s there, sure. But I don’t find myself any more willing to play incomplete, unspaded lineups to grind new parts of a tree, working towards strong vehicles or lineups, etc. I’ve continued to just play what I already have, because the grind past Rank IV right now is still unbearable, especially as compression continues to be unaddressed.

I think that makes a few changes more obvious, maybe? Part of the general disinterest in new nations’ additions is due to the ever-increasing RP grind, but I think a large part of it is also that the gameplay is very very inconsistent across the BRs, across ranks, across lineups, and even when you look at individual vehicles if stock or spaded. The RP grind is long and tedious, but it’s unbearable chiefly because of BR compression, a poor stock experience, and so on.

To be clear: this change is good - I don’t think it’s enough, even if you pretended the RP numbers were the only relevant thing - but, at minimum, keep this feature, with its current potency, but seriously consider increasing the bonuses.

In addition, a lot of work needs to be done for the grinding of modifications and the performance of completely stock vehicles. The combination of a buggy repair system for vehicles without parts, some vehicles lacking any real killing power until further into their mod ranks, and some vehicles simply having even worse performance in areas that their spaded version is average or sub-par in - these all contribute to making it difficult to justify spending time playing a new vehicle or lineup of vehicles (probably unlocked using this feature) when there’s sure to be a full lineup of spaded vehicles in another nation the player can easily play and enjoy without much effort.

Some vehicles (or really, entire BRs) aren’t at all enjoyable even after spading them… unless you get a downtier. This is textbook compression. This only goes double for stock vehicles, but some spaded vehicles also just simply can’t perform well in uptiers. Some can’t perform well in their own BR! The research bonus is only available for three matches - so what if they’re all uptiers with vehicles that can’t match what they’re facing? The transition to better types of tank rounds, 2-axis stabilizers, thermals… afterburners, supersonics, advanced missiles, advanced radars… the proximity of vehicles with these features to vehicles without them means that sometimes, even if you grit your teeth and spade your chosen vehicle/lineup, your three games with boosted RP might just be ended by a full uptier.

There are also crew skills that an experienced player, with a top vehicle in another nation, may be very used to. A fresh crew suddenly means that your tank doesn’t shift gear on time, your turret magically traverses slower, your repair times are much, much longer… Cultivating a crew takes much longer than grinding even an entire tree does, and this feature doesn’t improve that either.

To sum, this feature only addresses the numerical problems of grinding a new tree, and not enough. Stock vehicles are too inadequate, which, to be fair, is a separate issue, but regardless of what a vehicle can and can’t do stock, this feature should affect the RP rewards that go towards modifications, at a bare minimum. It should also affect crew skills - even if the above are addressed, when someone finally purchases the final vehicles of the tree and say goodbye to their bonus, they’re still left with performance noticeably worse than people playing their main nation with Lvl 150 Expert crews - a key part of the “Top Tier” experience that this feature also fails to help provide.

And as accessories to those changes, it would be a godsend to make an effort to decompress, obviously in ground, but also in air. The not-so-recent round of decompression for top tier jets was nice, but I don’t think anyone wouldn’t say that it was also very very messy - which is a result of putting decompression off for so long, and then suddenly moving the top BR up two steps and trying to redefine the balance of what had been 9 BRs of heavily-compressed vehicles into 11 BRs that are now inconsistent and still quite compressed. Future decompression should be consistent, and fairly conservative: move the top BR vehicles up one step every round of BR changes, at least for a year. And for BR changes in general, if a vehicle is overperforming, move it up. If that vehicle is at the top BR level, then move it up anyway.

Finally, look at stock syndrome very closely. Maybe - and I’m not sure how’d this work - figure out a way to see the average Efficiency for a vehicle with the unlocked modifications for the database figured in - maybe separated, maybe weighted, I can’t say. Either way, there needs to be a system in place that makes vehicles with painful performance gaps between stock and spaded easily identifiable. Also, repairing without parts is a horribly buggy mess that can simply ruin the first games using a vehicle.

The problem this feature is trying to fix is that players are unwilling to spend an exorbitant amount of time grinding a new tree. I don’t think the reason for that is entirely for the long grind - though it needs to be shortened either way - but instead that long grind means that they need to spend that long suffering through compression, odd balance, and a poor stock experience. Shortening the grind means the time spent suffering is shorter, but it doesn’t address the suffering itself, and anyone with what I think is a good deal of self-respect is going to refuse to engage with that experience unless it becomes as short in the future as it is long now - with WT’s monetization, I doubt it’s a good idea to make this feature’s bonuses that powerful.

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anyway uhhh yap yap yap why did I write so much

Before we were given details about this feature, I expected it to be an RP boost for the vehicles in Rank I-III, where, yes, there isn’t that much time spent grinding, but it’s painful for reasons more difficult to solve - newer players means that it’s harder to leverage your team to do well in a match, and at the same time the newer players can drag the state Efficiency of a “good” vehicle down by not playing towards its strengths, etc

I never expected the focus to be on the later ranks of the trees, because yes, the grind is much longer, but grind is also painful in ways that I thought were much, much easier to articulate both the problems and solutions for. I don’t like playing 3.3 Germany because my team might all Leeroy down the same angle being held by a Lvl 100 veteran - I’d like to skip this part. I don’t want to play 6.7 China because the tanks, which are already a decent challenge to do well in against 6.7 (fun, to be sure, but difficult) start doing very very poorly against 7.3 and 7.7. I’d still like to skip this problem, but I really don’t think it needs to exist in the first place.

aanyway, yap yap yap, I know I’m veering on off-topic conversation

why did I write so much

Its called passion :D

Let me try zo sum you up a bit to discuss :)

  • daily bonus much to little
  • BR compression needs zo be fixed
  • stock grind needs to be less painfull
  • repair without repairkit is still bigged
  • the motivation to grind for a new nation needs to be dramastically higher
  • a lot of vehicles are bafly imbalalced and need to be fixed
  • a lot of vehicles are in the situation being ok in a downtier but super bad in a uptier (jumbo/is-6/basically all tanks with armor lol)
  • crew skills have an unrealistic and much to high grind and impact on the performance

For some of your issues (same as mine tbh) could be less of an frustration if we would have a system of getting free xp for free, like in WoT.

With that vets could research the missing modifications, skip unliked tanks or even ranks.

About the tanks working only in downtiers,
A system like in WOT with tanks having a special matchmaking could help, making the br span for example -1+0.3 for some vehicles.

New nation grind could be dramastically less painfull if copy paste or very similar vehicles would have a RP cost cutdown if you have that vehcile alreqdy in a other nation, that combined with a free rp system and i bet most issues are fixed.

Thats smt i complain myself a lot about, onöy somution withput a mayor rework is to reduce the needed xp/increasw the earnings and more important reduxe the crew impact by atleaat 10x…
Reload should not be increased by 25%… thats just much to hight. If at all it should not be higher then a bonus of 5% or better 2.5%.
Again also a system like in WOT where you can additionally buff you vehicle with equipment slots the player can customise would be a great way to make the whole system much better

Daily bonus to little…
Well increase it lol… reduce the needed RP in the whole game, make the bonus x3 of the net reward, or any of the many suggestest ideas here in the forum.

Altough the idea sounds fondamentaly great, it’s fondamentaly flawed :

  • Game time does not allow everyone to benefit from those “3 games” all across the nations and trees. which mean that those potential dozens of daily battles won’t be played anyway.

  • The Vehicle research RP’s gained from the initial tech tree will still be lost once all vehicles unlocked.

I would have prefered to :

  • permanent 5% research for each tree reaching top tier

  • reattributing manually unlocked trees Vehicles RP in a similar tree of our choice.

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Gaijin removed the “New nation Research bonus” again.
Has there been any explanation as to why?

It was added as a test. I hope the removal means they are changing it based on community feedback.

They did list a time period in the first post

well… throwing a very bad idea out to “test” and then claiming later to have “listened” is like proposing to me, to gimme back 5% of my money i have loan to you, just to later then say " oh sorry that ure mad, i will listen to you and give you 6% back instead" to claim in an argument that u have listened to my complain and changed the money you give back to 6% instead of 5% lol

thats what they are doing here… purposely giving crap and “test” to make a vote or claim to have listened while the “increases/reworked” solution is then just a tiny bit better and still bad

am i the only one seeing that? Why else would they call it a “test” ? if not for that very reason?
After a test a vote or rework comes to excaktly claim that they have listened, otherwise a “test” of a ,mathematicly easy to calculate change, is pointless, they have the statistics already.

They know how many players play how many tanks and what they research, what the rewards are and so on…
its not a game mechanic tested here, its just rewards, numbers, values.


The 7-day testing phase for Research Bonuses For New Nations has now concluded. We’d like to thank everyone for taking part, posting their results and leaving feedback and constructive criticism. We’ll now be taking a look at the testing results as well as feedback and will get back to you at a later date — soon after the upcoming major update.