War Thunder "Dance of Dragons" - Changelog

Bug report regarding USS Tennessee’s draft! The ship is sitting too high above the waterline, exposing the ammunition above the waterline and diminishing the design of the armor belt.


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“For other helicopters, all systems are temporarily integrated into the damage model of the fuselage as a whole, until a detailed damage model with separate modules responsible for their functionality are added.” Why? if you’re not on the helis with “detailed damage model modules” you can literally get fully disabled by bad aimed PF rounds now.


I haven’t been able to figure out exactly what this means yet. I’ve tried googling a few things and looked on the wiki but no clues. [edit] to get the numbers to consistently show up in the secondary weapons menu make sure the gamemode for your lineup is either air rb or air ab. Can’t be naval or ground.

Old first point, not relevant anymore.

[TLDR it’s bugged for this question] First, I think the damage to bases MAY be a bit bugged. First picture is of 8x retarded bombs, with an tnt equivalent explosive mass of 296 kilos each (2371 kg). Second picture is of 4x long 1000lb bombs + 4x normal 1000lb bombs for an explosive mass of 4 x 322 + 4 x 296 (2477 kg)


So the first loadout has a estimated damage of 42224, or around 17.8 damage/kg. The second loadout has an estimated damage of 28842, or 11.6 damage/kg! I’m not an expert on explosives or anything, but should these values really be this far off? I realize its torpex vs RDX (which would give 28.5 damage/kg and 18.6 dmg/kg for non tnt equivalent), but really? Is this a bug? Or is it just explained poorly and has some weird equations? After some testing in a battle it SEEMS like a bug, a retarded bomb does the same damage as a regular 1000 lb bomb (with the same explosive mass). Also, the group of 4x 1000lb bombs has the same estimated damage as 1x 1000lb bomb (retarded or regular are both 5278dmg, which lines up with the 42224 number), but only with custom loadouts… I’ll report it.

See this bugpost for what I eventually found out: https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/ybtNWK5pSgSU

Second, how much damage does it take to kill a base anyway? I know it should be around 1350 kg of tnt equivalent above 8.0ish. After looking a few more planes it SEEMS like its ~24,000 damage at this BR. This lines up well with some planes (Tu-4’s loadout of 20x 500 kg bombs, 4 bombs per base), but it doesn’t make sense for the pictured above Buccy S1 (gets around a base + 3/4 if I remember correctly). I realize it probably depends on the bomb manufacturing and tnt equivalent, but that’s why the estimated damage was introduced, right? Damage per base should probably be listed on the wiki somewhere per br range (or even better in game).

I feel like it’d make more sense to have an estimated damage per bomb in addition to the entire loadout.

Third, what does the reward multiplier for bases mean? And why is it changing with bomb load? Taking 3x 1000 lb bombs has the multiplier at 10.0, but having 4x has the multiplier at 8.9 for the Buccy S1. Still can’t kill an entire base either way.

It was labelled as “not a bug”, since “units can be depicted in full load or not”…

Which begs me the question; why is almost EVERY ship depicted at full load… but Tennessee is not? Is it an intentional way to make her perform worse? Is this really needed?

Why not make a unified load standard for all ships? It would only be fair.

It is unfair for 90% of the ships to be depicted at full combat load and suddenly make a ship be depicted at maintenance run fuel load, which is unrealistic and needs it completely.

The worst part is I can’t find anyone talking about this, low BR helis are completely unplayable. Of all the changes to make why this? A stray round from a 7.62 will stop a Heli in its tracks, which is extra awful when you’re in a mid-BR heli fighting a jet and suddenly you’re no longer able to fight back because even if they made a bad pass and left you standing, you’re a useless log in the sky.

In half the games I’ve played, almost anyone in a heli has encountered the same issue and it was buried so deeply in the changelog that no one knows. What’s worse is how poorly communicated this change is, I really hope they revert it.


what if you fixed the sound error and returned the rougher sound of the crew, this is absolutely terrifying ugh. the next thing is that the bridges should return to the map, then a lot of players complained and those bridges are really missing there

3 reasons why this is so stupid at this moment:

  1. “detailed damage models have been added to helicopters” no is not. I mean, AH-64+KA52=2 is the minimum number to say “helicopter” in plural. Besides the fact that Gaijin is again biased in favor of Russian tech tree (yeah, i know AH-64 is not but probably tis there just not to be so OBVIOUSLY biased ).
  2. since the damage model should be implemented at MODULE level, i don’t see the point to be implemented at this stage at a whole fuselage level.
  3. Any little damage will disable this way the helicopter’s offensive and defensive capabilities completely (unless you play KA52 Russia) because “there is no armor protection on this vehicle”
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forgot to mention that xm800t does not need to reload anymore and that the freccia got spike lr 2

Tanks using the Allison CD 850-4B and CD 850-5 transmissions like the M48 (all variants) and M103 no longer have neutral steering, they literaly start to go in reverse when trying to neutral steer as stated few times before.

T1E1 (90) as it is currently in game is a fake tank (the real T1E1 (90) had a piece of glass in place of the driver’s view port and over the machine gun port). It should be renamed to M6A2 (90) and the armor changed to it’s late production specs, the gun barrel is also modeled incorrectly. After fixing it, then you can change it’s BR to 6.0.

Changing the Somua SM maximum speed without giving it the correct number of gears made the acceleration extremely slow. Suggestions: revert the maximum speed to 40km/h or give it a 5th gear which is actually specified in the same document used to change it’s top speed to 50km/h.

Yes, white dots, and when you aproach, they become invisible, and then they become grey again when you are really close.

It seems it’s related to the amount of haze in the map. They should stop playing with extreme weather, when their rendering engine is so weak.

What are your PostFX settings ? These are mine:


Please fix the M48 series and M103.

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I also am having an issue with the German leKPz M41’s purchasable “Tricolor Desert Camouflage”. I even tried deleting my cache AND compliedShaders folders, doing a file check after, and it’s still not showing up:

Default/Rainhard (had just defaults before). There is also something about blur, in many cases chasing jets is like chasing a shadow as it blends with background. I also turned heat haze off to try to mitigate any such things.

You may laugh, but after guns ccrp removal, there is also ccrp for bombs removed from HUD display.

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Not sure if there’s any aircraft which has so often had its ballistic computer changed as the F-84F…


It’s also a change that’s getting people killed in ground a fair bit. Seen it a lot.

Used to be when you were shot at you could hit reverse with S and switch to binos or gunsight to find the enemy while you were retrograding. Now when you go out of binos or gunsight it cancels both actions so you have to reapply S or you just stop. (Also causes the same problem if you’re going forward and trying to switch views).

So if you see people just stopping more under fire for some reason these days, that’s why. This was not a good change.


I’ll add that when you set it up so releasing a button on the mouse also releases the button you had pressed on the keyboard, you’ve kind of defeated half the point of “mouse AND keyboard”. Gaijin used to be so good at this, it’s what made them stand out among their competitors, but here they’ve lost the plot, it seems.


Update 16.09.24:

Thx to this update i have to reassign several key bindings every time i launch wt. This significantly reduces my motivation to play the game as it gets even more frustrating - no chance for a few quick matches between 2 zoom calls…

To be fair: Not all settings reset after closing the game - mainly view options and usage of armament are resetting; my MEC settings and stuff like flaps or air brake usage are somehow unchanged.
Thanks to the necessity to this reassigning of key bindings every day i was able to reduce the necessary time to restore them from ~ 20 to ~ 5-7 minutes. Saving those settings still don’t work…


Very much appreciated, thanks a bunch.

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For some reason on some vehicles i cant see or change secondary weapons anyone know a fix?