War Thunder "Dance of Dragons" - Changelog

In air US is the best. And on the ground they’re still very strong. They’re nowhere near getting shit on.

Russia isn’t even one of the best ground nations, the only bias treatment they got was getting the Pantsir instead of the Tor. And in air they get their flight models butchered


And the Ka-50 will get the new modules when they’re ready, they weren’t ready for this update.

But then at the moment, seems like any damage disables heli weapons for the ones without the new modules.


Hey, yes it’s a bug and will be fixed soon.


Janus optics should have thermals for the Freccia. Please fix this, it is my favourite vehicle i beg of you please for my freccia my beloved mamma mia

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please change target points range limit from 20km it makes it almost impossible or really not worth it to use jdams past 20km

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And what’s the problem, it’s still worse than the SU-39 LoL with KH-29TE etc.

Very-very few people can play the su39 more effectively than the av-8b na. In the hands of the most players, the Harrier is much stronger.

You can not compare HSTV-al to 2S38.

How would I go about submitting a report regarding an error/something that’s broken in game? It looks like the updates to the M41A model broke several of the camos from the market for it, and by several I mean all of them. Hoping it gets fixed but figure I should submit a report or such but I’ve never done so before.

Please and thank ya.

That would be on the Issues site.

Here is all the information on what would be needed to make a proper report.


And the question is do you have any of US air or US ground to make a statement like this?

And another:

NS-45 Accuracy

The NS-45 cannon stock is already so accurate that the upgrade hardly improves it.

This just smells like Developer Bias.

  • An APHE shell with practically no documentation.
  • A fuze sensitivity that is much lower than any other APHE round in the game and completely made up
  • Gun accuracy that is immensely better than the NS-37, despite both being practically the same cannon, just in different calibers

It shows you the missile launch point and direction on radar.

Hello everyone.

I have a question for you… + - I would like to hear your opinion

I play War thunder, I’ve always used a costume scope…

Which one exactly? I created a sight for myself… there was just a fat dot ( yellow )

This point was a cool one… that there was no grid … nothing distracted me …

But after the update, my sight got fucked up… it doesn’t work anymore… or rather, by uploading your file… it should show a dot ( small ) and there’s just a standard sight…

question)) If it 's an option ? how do I load my scope? Or has the suit sight come to an end? and you can’t create something of your own anymore?

1 year ago, a spaded NS-45 would still be so inaccute you basically couldn’t even fire 2 round bursts and hit the same tank.

A stock NS-45 now is more accurate than a spaded one back then.

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I’m in rank 7 for US air, but I have the japanese F-15s and F-16 that are very similar to the US’s as well as the F-14A IRIAF (what a suprise). For air I’m also done with the Japanese, French and German trees and almost done with China and Sweden. So I do have experience in other aircraft to compare them.

For ground US I’m at 11.3 (bc I’d rather pull up the M1A1 and IPM1 to 11.3 so I can fill my lineup with the AIM and HSTV-L) and I’m done with Germany, Japan, France, China and Sweden and almost done with USSR, UK and Italy.

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So there is the report.

I’ll look for a fix now 😅👌

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“Ship towing has now been made contextual. We have removed the towing on/off button from the action bar and made it work automatically. If a player runs aground, the request to tow them is now turned on automatically. A corresponding icon appears above the player’s ship, which is visible to nearby allies. If an ally gets close enough to the stranded ship, they will be asked to help get it off the ground by hooking the towing rope. After that, the towing player will be able to unhook it using the same button at any time.”

Can we PLEASE have this reverted. And instead have a toggle in settings that hides it for people whom do not wish to use it??

The Tow Rope is a major part of Naval battles for avoiding collisions or assisting slower ships get to parts of the battle quicker, having to wait until someone is stuck to use it only helps after they are badly stuck not like it was before where we could avoid the situation entirely.

It is also a major staple of Naval Custom Games where players use them for convoys with faster ships allowing dreadnoughts to stay in formation.

Please revert this decision as it has removed some of the fun and creativity involved with Naval Forces in War Thunder, including the use of the Towing Rope for accident avoidance.

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As per my last comment, both the original Dance Of Dragons Post and those currently playing Naval RB and Naval Custom Games are unhappy with the random change to remove the Towing Rope feature unless someone is physically runaground and are stuck. The Towing Rope was always used for avoiding such accidents, and for allowing tactical plans involving using faster battleships to bring teammates in dreadnoughts quicker to the battlefield so that they are not stuck in open water to assist them.

Similarly in Naval Custom matches we in the Naval community use the Tow Ropes to make massive convoys where we all sail in tight formations with destroyers and cruisers around the edges, using battleships to tow the dreadnoughts. With this removed now, it stops all those convoys using dreadnoughts because of the simple speed difference, and has impacted some of the strategy and gameplay involved with Naval RB.