War Thunder "Dance of Dragons" - Changelog

Why was this considered a bug? WHY!?
This “fix” has gotten me killed cause I have S as throttle up so when I stop pressing shift + S for pitch up I would instantly throttle back up to 110% throttle.

@Smin1080p_WT Can you explain if not Stona?

I’d consider the “fix” to be a bug in and of itself.

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There must have been change in graphics that is not in log.
It is mostly impacting SB as it relates to how aircraft are rendered. Used to by always dark dots, now it is shining white dots in distance.
It is currently very finicky as you can see some aircraft at very long distances, but they seem to randomly fade and its extremely tricky to track some at even relatively short distances especially light ones in desert setting.
I was literally sitting over a base, bomber came , dropped his cargo, I still saw the flames of the bombardment and couldn’t find it.
I checked scores and it seems that it was not just my problem as player kills were very rare in my games that day. It made me play with post effects a little to try to mitigate the problem a bit. I will see how it works over other maps.

I think this should be a setting in game that can be changed.

I personally found it annoying as i have “ctrl+b” as my commander sight and just “b” as my binoculars and sooo many times i tried to enter commander sights but released the buttons in the wrong order and it but me back to binoculars.

That being said i like your use case as well as that could be a thing people map intentionally for easy functionality.

so giving players the option would be nice.


I have a 5 button mouse, and the only solution is to buy a 7 button mouse to have throttle up as one of the new buttons… which is double the price of 5 button mice minimum, for whatever reason.
I just want my let-go-of-shift-to-throttle-up back.

I personally have mapped throttle to my scroll wheel lol. I also have a scroll wheel i can “detach” and free roll so startups on ground are fast.

I have tried my best to have nothing bound to ctrl itself and just having things bound to single key or ctrl+key so that i effectively double the amount of possible key binds (i have a few on alt+key as well).

Then i have done the same on my mouse, i have one key that acts like ctrl would where if i hold that one the rest on my mouse change what they do. Effectively giving me almost double the key binds there as well. just a tip if you don’t want to buy a new mouse :)

Admittedly it took me a while to get used to and i miss clicked a lot the first week (having changed “S” from throttle down to pitch down is not great for landings XD).

Oh, I have throttle up to scroll wheel as well for fine-tune.
If I’m pitching up, and bring down throttle I want the throttle back up as soon as possible in almost all cases when I’m done with the turn. Then I can press shift again if I want to continue the turn on full burn.

I’ve also used right-click for cannons for so long [2017] that left-clicking for machine guns causes me an accuracy reduction.

Rangefinder Radar is lost in action on FFA P-16, but likely correct. There is no instrumentation in cockpit for a radar scope.

Also new but not mentioned in the changelog - after completing a battle pass task there is a additional popup window informing about the task - I don’t need this. Is there a way to disable the popup?

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The ability to change ammo is a big plus for this type of vehicle, and the addition of useful spall liners is a nice touch.

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@Stona_WT does all variants exclude the JAS39A?

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Made a report about “death” effects (fire and smoke) on destroyed vehicles not being visible ~2km after Dance of Dragons.


As usual, it look like I used my only cartridge 😅

I have to list which oned are already solved and thoses who are still running.

But understand that I’m okay to report things if only they will be addressed.

This is also causing me issues. I use Left click for main gun in ground battles, and the extra missiles (like on the BMP’s) CTRL+Left click. NOW when I let go of CTRL, my guns (autocannons) stop firing completely. I also vote for a option to turn this on or off as it has messed up many/most of my CTRL/ALT keybinds now. I understand some people or certain situations where it is useful, but definitely not for me, and especially not permanently on all the time.

It would be extra coding and maybe finicky, but I would prefer this be an option PER keybind/key. Not a simple global setting. My CTRL+ keybinds being one where I would NEVER want this option turned on. I have used macro pads for games like WoW and I very deliberately use the modifiers so that I can keep holding down the main button, click the modifier like CTRL, release CTRL, and go back to the ability/button I was using first.

But a global option is the minimum level of control that I would request. I am looking at having to redo nearly all of my weapon keybinds for ground now as my flow has been greatly impacted and is causing me to die due to my guns not firing when they would have been pre patch. Thank you.

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the ka52 got it not the ka50

Why is there no new map rotation for air battles?

Hello everyone.

I have a question for you… + - I would like to hear your opinion

I play War thunder, I’ve always used a costume scope…

Which one exactly? I created a sight for myself… there was just a fat dot ( yellow )

This point was a cool one… that there was no grid … nothing distracted me …

But after the update, my sight got fucked up… it doesn’t work anymore… or rather, by uploading your file… it should show a dot ( small ) and there’s just a standard sight…

question)) If it 's an option ? how do I load my scope? Or has the suit sight come to an end? and you can’t create something of your own anymore?

Experience points are not distributed correctly.
I got 7444 points for the battle, I finished the module that cost 3100, and the rest of the points were not distributed anywhere, and the next module was selected automatically.
Session: 37647a00008c449

I can’t log into the ru forum with a gaijin account, I registered an account on this shitty pixel storm - the system does not allow me to leave comments, like I don’t have a game profile.

This has been an issue for years.


The big problem is the Ka50.

Could we finally get a skin for the Chi-To Late in the next skin trophy? Or J6K1?
WT Live // Camouflage by Sick2day (warthunder.com)

WT Live // Camouflage by vovanz78 (warthunder.com)

Thanks Gaijoobles