War thunder cas rb

As you can see i got a whopping 5k score and even spawned in a nuke.

My problem here is that, i spawned a nuke after killing 5 planes and a helicopter but as soon as i take off the airfield with the jaguar i get slapped by an r60mk. When i spawn a tank after that i still manage to crit two helis and end up dying to a flanking heli too, now, if i counted right there were a total of 6 airplanes (+one more that my teammate killed) and 4 helicopters in one GROUND match.

Atp im wondering why tf am i just not hopping into a a6e and start orbit bombing the shit out of the enemy team. Well the first thing is that i dont have it and the second is that i’m not willing to sink to the cas kids level.

Just when are they going to add ground only mode?


Never,bye next.


Never. You’re not the first and you will never be the last. People including myself are opposed to the idea of Ground mode. It splits the community even more it also is redundant so I’ll be blunt, if you don’t like planes, GET GOOD AT LEADING YOUR Shots! Now good Sir or Ma’am. Carry on.


The day after it’s not there and the one before it’s added :)

In all seriousness, i don’t think anyone could tell you.

Also, $10 says this will be closed within the next two days

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If you can’t deal with a combined arms game then War Thunder isn’t for you. Feel free to move on and go back to World of Tanks or whatever else.

i can deal with the planes when there’s not a whole goddamn clan of them


Backups are there.


dont tell me you play ground games without even touching the ground


Well, first spawn has to be a tank, so you’re delusional.

sad helicopter noises


Never knew tanks that had rotors.

And to reply to OP. We know combined arms aren’t going away but something has to be done against the ease of spamming airborne cancer. Like said it’s “GROUND” RB as opposed to AIR RB (can I spawn my Pantsir in Air RB ? Didn’t think so). I don’t mind a little spicing it up to break a stalemate of dislodge a camper… But that has to be high risk high reward. Not just any 47%er newbie going on a point and click adventure minigame because he died with one random assist on the ground.


You don’t have to play top teir, you know that right?

Well, if you kill the enemy quickly enough they can’t get the spawn points to spawn CAS.

As for helicopter BRs; Well, aside from Kamovs the rest are easy to kill. Just pay attention. Use your eyes and ears.

Most rocket spawn heli attempts are just wasted SP, anyways. Non-issue 99% of the time.

The whole ground only issue seems to be beyond 8.3 as below that, CAS vs ground tends to be evenly matched.

I can’t comment on the CAS beyond that as I don’t play the higher tiers. But below that, the main problem still is that their are valid counters to CAS, but the majority of players refuse to use them (SPAAs) or are so focused on revenge bombing the person that destroyed them, that they completely ignore enemy CAS.

Me, I’m happy to roll out a SPAA to support my team. In fact I am enjoying the WZ305 and it’s VT shell. Knocking down helos at 2 or 3 kms out while they hover spamming ATGMs has become great fun.

Oh yeah, because those one-way matches where we stomp the other team are so stimulating and fun /s

Lol. They’re definitely not. That said, killing the enemy team quickly enough reduces their chances to bring CAS into play. It is an option, simply so.

It’s not like I’m holding back killing tanks just because ;)

But having a tighter match shouldn’t mean 5 CAS planes and 2 helis nuking everything on the ground after a whole 4 minutes (true for both teams… it’s fun for nobody on the ground… When 3 red tanks get nuked from orbit by a teammate I’m not excited, more like “I’m sure they had so much fun getting outplayed by TV-guided ordinance”)

The nicest battles happen when the game outlasts the big mid-game air spam and comes back to being decided on the ground again. Some of the most tense stuff right there. Once every 15 battles maybe…

Again, as has been suggested many times around these parts : ground ordinance should bear a very high SP cost. That way CAP can also encouraged with lower relative SP and CAS becomes a higher risk reward (compared to spawning another, cheaper, tank) for having played well on the ground first.


Other than SP adjustment being dependent on the selected ordinances and cheaper CAP, we also need more SPAA options and better SPAA parity.

We also need larger maps with the airfields and helipads farther back.

All this CQC garbage is annoying and counterproductive.

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The easiest change would to be make CAS take off from the airfield. Restricting where helis can spawn should be done, by disallowing any heli with guided weapons from spawning on the closer helipad.

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Or by just removing the closer spawn. What’s the point of it anyways? So that helirushers can get to the battlefield faster?