War Thunder Anti-Cheat System Update

“abusive sound mods”?

Well, if the stock engine sounds didn’t sound like garbage, then we wouldn’t want to. I just want the vehicle sounds to match what they actually sound like irl, same with guns and explosions.

The most abusive thing is the ULQ mode which lets you just turn off some foliage and AO, not sound mods!


Because of BattleEye, I don’t have tank sound anymore. The engines are muffled and can’t be heard.

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Because of BattleEye, I no longer have any sound in the tank. The engines are muffled and can’t be heard.

Sorry but u really believe 4-8% players are cheaters? I doubt that very very very harshly.
With estimated 14 million player (source linked 3 times now in previous posts) per Month, that would mean between 560.000 and 1.120.000 Player do cheat on a monthly base and only 1190 get detected?

As stated, if out of 14.000.000 monthly players cheat 4200 (last month it was just 1190), its only 0,03% of the players, meaning in a match with 20 players u will encounter one in every 166th match. not very often i will say.

Even if the statistics of 14,000.000 is wrong and its only 10.000.000 million players and they have only banned half of all cheaters… its still super super low of a number. By far less then 0.1% of the playerbase.

Never ever!

Dont get me wrong, i believe there are cheaters… but i also bet my left nut that 95% of the “thats a cheater” claims are bullcrap.

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Ah so battle eye is the government

Lmao I would gladly show you my top tier ground battles.

I had to rewatch a game, because a PUMA (10.3) was watching me through 7 building 0.6 miles roughly away, had a laser beam on me, waiting and watching my every move. Then I got killed from a bs angle her pierced.

I went back and my team over whelmed him, and I ended up killing him.

Then he was looking through building again, I retreated to a spot he wouldn’t see. Turned my engine off as well. I was behind a bunch of bushes. And whack I’m dead. Shot me through a pixel through bushes, and buildings, have no squad mate, no drones etc. then he killed a driving t-72 in his radkampfwagon on the move through a few trees and a bunch of bushes a good distance away.

Top tier ground is by far the worst offender for cheaters. / getting “gaijined” since magically some tanks won’t take damage when hit on good angles. (I have a video of an abrams doing just that).

Considering it seems to be 1 every other match or so, it’s fairly common. You may see one in lower ranks every 4-5 matches.

During events is when it’s the worst by far.

Also a (certain regions of the world seem to cheat more than others) I can’t be specific because apparently that honestly is against ToS

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May i ask u to gimme a timestamp of the cheater and a timestanp of when you played your match? with that info i can go into the replay tool and see it for myself (if its on the same patch), even though this sounds like a oneoff, feel free to send me every time you think theres a cheater and i will see myself and judge myself if that was an cheater.

Always looking forward to help others understand and also learn myself.

btw toptier is likely the very last br people use cheats, first it takes forever to get there and second i dont think people will buy a vehicle for 60 bucks to use cheats… just my guts feeling that if we would make a heatmap of cheaters its like accounts lvl 1-10 with the most of them.


In fairness this is accessible to all players, unlike sound mods, and it is a necessary feature for lower-end computers. Hell - one of the reasons I like WT so much is because of that acessibility, as I could run it off my laptop. (This was like a 10th gen i3 with no graphics card, so ULQ was actually necessary.)

Thankfully I do now have a proper computer, but there is no way in hell that I would want to screw over anyone with similar issues by removing ULQ.

what stops you using sound mods? Could do the same argument with custom sights couldnt i? The one i use isnt smt u can recreate inside the game tool. (and therefore not on console)

But i remember there was a famous sound mod back then, that the sound mod dev had to cut down due to restrictions, so yea, “illegal” sound mods can excist, but how much of an impact is that?


We are already seeing some issues - some people are unable to install it, and apparently it is causing issues with tank sounds (?)*

I might go over it with a fine comb on my old laptop tomorrow with my old acct and see if it causes issues.

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ah also… the ingame sound are bugged since the introduction of “volumentric sound that tries to simulate buildings and stuff” (no clue what the real name is)

just saing

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Me? Nothing. Console does exist, however. You could also technically say the same for custom sights too lmao

It aint like they can really get rid of “illegal” sound mods completely, but imo that is fine given that its hard to get them + not a major disruption.

If i am not wrong its also a “official rule” that u are not allow to use any sound mod in “competitive tournaments”… so thats that

and once u install a sound mod the game detects that and show you in the hangar that it is active, so its already detected if u have modded it


Yup tank sound is broken. And I can’t hear the sounds of the other tanks.

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So yeah, I wouldn’t put too much stock in that.

I’m pretty sure if the daily player count actually tripled in two months a year ago from 800K to 2.4 million, we’d have noticed. Also it’s statistically kinda implausible the daily count would triple in that same period, but the monthly total would stay the same at the same time :)

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Posted for posterity, here is the actual clickthru EULA you agree to when you’re switched to BattlEye.



Yes i read that also…

As i see:
For Battle Eye there information needed to identify cheat 3rd party software:
‘-information about running operation system(to identyfy OS type)
-information about game related and opereating system related files and memory (to identify running OS and game related files)
-information about running process, drivers and other executable code(to identify and isolate known 3rd party SW)’

But wait a minute: Why need our OS username That not have an effect into the game…??? Thats a security issue… in our side…
‘-File names included in other information listed here which might also contain your OS system User name.’

Why need Battle Eye the:
-‘hardware device information and identifiers(e.g. serial numbers)’
maybe to detect cheat which camouflaged as a driver like mouse driver… but catch that when the 3rd party try to modify the memory block in run time. or IDK why it needed. Especially the serial number why needed…

To identify account BE need:
-Game identifiers(e.g. in game name, account ID, etc)

etc… really which mean etc…
If the username and account ID not enought and NOT UNIQUE(account ID) to identify accounts what kind of identifiers exit? E-mail address, password?

For me it’s looks like a spyware not as an Anti-Cheat which leak data from game account,OS(username), and Hardware information…

‘Give us your sikret…’


img src:


Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2) - #1848 by _Fleks


So Microsft has BattlEye (file “BEDaisy.sys”) in it’s official docs for " recommended driver block rules". List contains drivers with “known security vulnerabilities”, “malicious behaviors (malware)”, “behaviors that aren’t malicious but circumvent the Windows Security Model”, among others: Microsoft recommended driver block rules | Microsoft Learn

Gaijin, care to comment why choose to bundle software with your game, which the OS vendor themselfs mark as malicious?


So you just cant play game as it is you need to mod stuff??? So you think its fair me on console getting wreck by you and your 400 mods???

Only mods I would allow are “skins”, “crew voices” and thats it… if you dont like sights that are in game, play ome other game…

Had enough of you people crying about “my data” “my kernel” “my mods” man every anticheat/game/app have same premission and you seems to be fine with them…

Cant wait why I got banned threads, hope they come soon… Good luck to all of you