War Thunder Anti-Cheat System Update

I’d love to see those surveys…


My main concern would be potential ban causing removal of access to my War Thunder account which I spent significant time on.

If such thing occurs, what are ways to ask for support and what the process looks like?
Would I be given reason for ban with a chance to remediate the situation that led to a ban?

Awesome, today I get the battleye update and now I have garphic glitches, shit software. In the morning with EAC everything was fine


Im sorry Stona but this isnt good enough answer. Considering Battleye is known for flaging harmless software as cheats, players are rightfully skeptic. Keep in mind that some players invested not small sums of money and even bigger sums of time into game, losing that because some “functional” anti cheat flagged their RGB control mouse SW as harmful is understandable concern.


It worked perfectly, with no problems. And I have never been that good in battle; now that all the cheaters have been eliminated, it is only skills versus skills. Thank you, War Thunder, for terminating the cheaters, and keep doing it!


Cheaters ruin the game because they are many simultaneously, especially on weekends. That triggers discouragement among your team members, who would rather eject from the battle than raise the cheaters’ score. If one can’t play Warthunder without cheating and ruining it for the fair players, they have a learning disability. I am 62 and play the game without cheating; it is called a rewarding challenge. The complainers might just be the cheaters. Get those names!


Respect, being 62 and still playing online games,😎


Thank you. I do my best to keep my brain in shape; it’s like hitting the gym.


U mean surveys 99% of the playerbase wont do? yea lets do it… ffs.

Game is played by millions, how many do participate in the surveys? 10k maybe?

U claim there are many cheaters… show me at least one or two… if u cant find one… dont claim there are many… please…

Maybe u are right and i am wrong.

Show me proof of your claim “Cheaters ruin the game because they are many simultaneously”

Either pn, forum, ingamechat, just tell me what date, time and name and i will find that match u claim there was a cheater myself in the replay tool.

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Fair Play: October 2024 7k here, gaijin posts a list every month.


That my friend is banned general, for violation of the eula, meaning also teamkilling and also not permabannes as you can read here: Fair Play: November 2024 - News - War Thunder

1190 were banned for violating rules to exploiting and using forbitten software, how many by expoiting we dont know.

Mate it literally says October

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Since our last fair play 111, we’ve blocked 7164 accounts that were found to have violated the rules. Specifically 3.2.3 of the EULA namely in the automation of gameplay (using bots) and cheat software.

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u nailed it, blocked! and also botting! There is no word of all being cheaters and got permabanned, as better explained in the latest fair play article

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Ahh wtf, you ask for proof of cheating, i give you a post directly from gaijin even stating that there was cheaters and you reply with a November post focusing on team killing and now you’re splitting hairs on exactly who was banned for what…


dude… gimme names, replays, situations u have encountered a cheater for me to check on…
whats so hard to understand on this?

I dont care about botters, cheater that are so bad that no one notice and exploiters or teamkillers… gimme actual footage!

also the game has around 14.000.000 players per month, if we say all 1190 are cheaters, thats 0,0085%… good luck finding one in your game. (btw x30 in case u always have full 30 player battles = 0,255% per match. Soruce: War Thunder Live Player Count and Statistics (2024)

get your shit together guys… this game has no cheater problem. But proof me wrong, find a cheater and show me in the replay.

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Why tf would we do that? You’re a nobody? Not a mod, or a dev, game master, ceo? Wtf are you going to do? Review and report like everyone else… All we can give you as proof is what gaijin have officially posted… Which I’ve already shown you.


“This game has no cheater problem”

Want me to post War thunder Cheater shamings latest clan exposing right now?

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U dont need to show me anythink, but as long as u dont, i will tell you that we dont have a cheater issue, u could proof me worng, but u dont, so what do U want? The statistics tell a different story then u do…