War Thunder Anti-Cheat System Update

I’m sure they don’t want anything to have kernel level access just as a blanket policy. It doesn’t necessarily mean everything you give kernel access is malicious, however.

It’s the idea that security is an onion. You want as many layers as possible someone has to peel off in case something goes wrong. Giving something kernel access goes through some of the protections you get from sandboxing applications, similar to Android and IOS and even Linux when you’re talking about namespaces for applications running. It keeps them separate from the core processes of the OS, to think of it at a high level.

However, if you’re going to detect whether cheats are running anywhere on the system, you would need to monitor at some level of the kernel probably. That’s the most practical solution for having that layer of monitoring.

However, it is still an attack vector, and BattlEye probably needs to be pretty diligent about security fixes to prevent it being exploited.

EAC has kernel access and it’s not on Microsoft’s list.


Its the best stats we have and the montly stats seem to match with what other f2p games publish.

And even though, even if its only a quarter of the estimated 14 million … its with 14 million 0.6% if a chance with 20 player size to see a cheater, make it times 4 and its just 2.4% per match. Thats still a low number.

0.03% of players with 14million if 4200 cheat every month
0.12% of players with 3 5 milion if 4200 cheat every month
(Last month 1190 got banned for cheating, expoitung and. Botting)

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Sorry but console has its own benefits like autoaim… i want that to on my pc … with that i am sure to push my winrate at least by 3%

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and ure the one repeating himself and running a negative KD…now what?


That doesn’t necessarily logically follow that BattlEye is malicious. It could just not have gone through their approval process yet.

It doesn’t though? When you compare to other slightly more reliable sites that guess at this, your site often wildly overestimates.

So for instance, World of Warcraft according to your source has 8.8 million monthly players, 2.4 million daily.

On mmo-population.com the same game has 418k daily.

For Diablo IV, your source has daily player counts of 1.04 million. On the other more reliable site, it’s 230k.

I agree with you as a proportion of players, the 60k players that have been banned in the last year is not large. But the numbers on that site you’re citing are obviously made up and are overestimating by a factor of five or more. It’s just clickbait.


world of warcraft is the opposite of a f2p… so using that to compare is wild.

For an instance, Riot Games is more open to their playerbase, 2023 the average peak was x18-x19 to get the monthly players and wt will definitly have a different playerbase with more “old” people that play even less time per day meaning the multiplier will be higher then in LoL.

What do we have in WT average daily peak? 170k? Thats even if we take only x18 more then 3 million.

As my last calc. was using 3.5 million its still only 0.12% if we use the old value of 4200 cheaters, bots and exploiters and not the new one with 1190.

No matter what people bring up, but claimes like “4-8% of the playerbase are cheaters” or “its so much that it forces me to onspawn as it spoils the expirience” is just nonesense.

Taking the daily amount from the game itself and using standard multipliers to estimate monthlies and dailies is probably a more accurate guesstimation method to use here than using that silly site, I agree.

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dont worry about my KD, worry how you gonna hide whatver makes you sooo anti this Anticheat… oke ???

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Hard to tell, as it depends how “world wide” a game is alot, due to different timezones. but at the end the statement from me stands and no one managed to touch it so far.

show me where i saied smt against the anticheat please, all i do is trying to make people aware that the “cheater problem” is by far lesser then they think and as previous mention i bet my left nut that 95% of the “thats a cheater” claims are people that just dont understand the game and disbelieve


You sound like one guy on Youtube talking how theres not so much cheaters then does 5 videos per day every day with bluntly cheaters… Hahahahaha. Anyway you think whatver you want, 14mill players , no cheaters I could not care less… Good luck when BattleEye hits Warthunder.

The risk with estimating the number of cheaters from the number of accounts they ban is that it’s not a closed system. There’s feedback loops to consider.

Before November, 2023, Gaijin rarely banned anyone. Annual bans were in the low 3 figures. In the last year they’ve banned over 60,000 for more than two weeks and it has made a difference.

This was seen most obviously in naval RB. There was a time in early 2023 where the number of players using bot scripts was probably consistently over 50% of that player base some nights, because the player base was so small to start with and there was no punishment for doing so. That changed in late 2023 when Gaijin dramatically increased its ban rate and players stopped using the botscripts before they lost their accounts. In the main modes it never got this bad, but cheating ruined at least one mode for an extended period before Gaijin stepped up their banning actions. (Note this happened even while EAC was running for naval modes.)

So if company action, and the threat of action, can so dramatically change player behavior, what does that number really tell us? Because the annual ban number this year was 60,000, and the ban number the year before was less than 600, do we think the amount of cheaters suddenly increased hundredfold? If anything, as naval RB shows, in fact it’s the opposite. Scare the playerbase, and they will stop cheating so much, seems to be the lesson of Gaijin’s recent experience.

My concern would be that going with the cheaper solution now in BattleEye means that Gaijin is throwing less effort into fighting cheaters, when dramatically increasing their anti-cheating efforts (and presumably anti-cheating effort costs) over the last year has led to some pretty positive results, overall. They were finally starting to take this problem seriously and now it seems they’re looking for ways to spend less. Maybe that’s so they can finally extend anticheat protection to the air modes and ground AB, which they couldn’t afford before. Hopefully that’s the case, anyway.


Well, i agree that naval is infected and was even worse infected by bots… but thats not cheating, and i only care about the “thats a cheater” claim.

And u will never be able to get rid of all bots, nowadays u can let an AI play for you that makes hardware level inputs and play better then some human players… so thats that.

But yes, i like it too that they started to be more aware of the whole situation, but lets be honest, the “lets make this game more fair and competitive” train is long gone.
And yes, the anti cheat software gaijin has used and is using is really not doing much, some people even say that EAC was never updated and therefore was outdated the second month already… gaijin dosnt care, they want money and dont want to spend some. They also do this brainwash system where they do smt bad on purpose to “fix” it later to claim they care… since years. Cause that dosnt cost them anythink, people are still happy when they fix it later and the anger at the start dosnt stop anyone from palying and buying, u cant get more free marketing and crowd controll. Is it the worst? Yes it is. Do people understand? No they dont. Should we blame gaijin for using the human stupidity? Up to you. U can also judge a Casino, but u can also just dont go there. Only issue here, there is no real competition in the game industry rivaling WT. Making it a Monopoly and we all know why Monopolys are bad…

Will better anti cheat/anti bot system make more people play? Maybe, and even if, its a tiny little amount.

Would giving every person a minimum of 3 tanks spawns, even if they only have 1 premium in deck, and also punishing 1 spawn players make the game much better and make people play more? Yes, a very clear yes. I also see the negatives that u basically make the veterans decks less valuable, but lets be honest, i take that cost of having wasted a ton of grind to make a better and more fun game 1000 times.

Would a better Crew system make people less getting punished and rofl stomped if they havend aced the crew, make the game better and make people play more? Yes, also a very clear yes.

Thats just 2 examples, but there is so much shit in this game that people dont understand or are unaware of the impact, gaijin should also focus on that much more.

And i am not even starting with the insane CAS issue we have in the game right now…

Those issues are issues that make the game less fun and ultimately make people spend less and play less… u dont need to be a mathematican to understand this.


Reminder that before Firebirds we had cheaters who could switch their arcade fuze timer on airplanes and could instafuze even if they didnt drop bombs from proper distances.

i use to play on console and i can tell you with 100% certainty that the aim assistance was always a hinderance in every mode, even naval lmao


i went from 170fps to 70… no performance impact my arse

i got the update today, with a noticable performance hit and my fan software not functioning when i play the game anymore…I love roasting my CPU at 90c because god forbid modern systems can change fan speeds without needing to go into the BIOS

aside from a very bad performance hit, i haven’t noticed much but thats because i gave up after 8 matches of non-stop enemy spawn pushes

that would explain why it felt like none of my team heard the Tigers pushing into our spawn…

the aim assist decides to make you aim 3km in front of a plane that is 500m infront of you, it’s a hinderance. you line up a perfect shot and… Sony decides you wanted to shoot the tank barrel instead of the unarmoured side of the tank