As for the Anticheat i would strongly suggest to read through there Privacy Policy, and if you don’t have a problem with it don’t advocate for it and impose it on other people who wants a change just install BE and play the game.
What survey of 99% of the playerbase? What survey of 10k players?
Don’t get me wrong, I try to love war thunder, but considering 20,000 people get banned fairly constantly and it’s a game with what 800,000- 2 million semi consistent players? With typically 110,000 online? It’s a lot more than you’re allowing.
ESP, (cheating sound mods), and legit cheats are the biggest problem. Also, ultra low quality. It’s 2024, systems are cheap enough if you like to play on pc you can get a decent pc to run good graphics, or better yet just buy a console, cheaper, and no hassle. I myself have a pc, but prefer warthunder on console.
No, console doesn’t have “auto aim” if anything, we have “aim holding” it just holds where you were aiming, and continues that pattern. Considering the amount of key binds and overall control pc users have via amount of keybinds, I don’t see this as an issue, especially because it’s only in grb, and only works if your playing on controller.
They also recently nerfed it holy hell, so unless an aircraft is about 500 meters off the ground, with no trees in the way or anything it won’t work.
U forgot the topic u started? lol.
What are u refering to? 20k get temporary banned for Teamkilling or 1190 get banned for bots and cheats out of estimated 14 million ( War Thunder Live Player Count and Statistics (2024) active players per month?
Scroll up for the numbers, we have talked about this today already. The % of “cheaters, bots and exploiters” is extrem low for a f2p game.
There is only 1 game i know that will likely have have lower % of these, and that is Leage of Legends.
U do shit there u get your ass kicked, even for playing crappy u get your ass kicked there. Like it should be and Vanguard as Anti cheat is 1000x more sophisticated.
Air has the littlest amount of cheaters because it’s easiest to catch.
Ground has the most,
Followed by naval
I’d say roughly 4-8% of the player base uses cheats 2-3% use abusive sound mods.
Around 5% use bots for automation (or did)
Probably comes from the fact that software like Windows, for example, is not your property and you only buy a license. You’re free to develop and run your own OS at any time. Otherwise, it is only the hardware that you own.
I’ve never done a survey of players - what are you on about??
Based on what? Wetting a finger and holding it in the air??
Do you have any data? And experience, a first hand account. Several of you ask my buddies
I have 1 point of data - me. That’s why I’m not making any claims about what % of players do this or that.
That’s why I’m asking where all these figures come from - 'cos tbh most of them appear to be PIDOOYA
Well gaijin won’t ever release the actual data
I’m curious as to if this changes the game experience at all for people. Probably not much.
I wish I could play it, but somewhere in the comms either Gaijin or Nvidia forgot to update the Geforce Now images so I can’t even launch the game… so basically this update has wound up locking everyone on cloud gaming out from playing.
Because mods are often a grey area and either it’s up to someone’s judgement or the dev policy can change and you get your account banned for something that used to be allowed… At one point Gaijin banned sound mods before allowing them again.
You seem to be associating mods with cheating, but plenty of us like mods that enhance the experience (though sound or visuals) rather than to get a competitive advantage. I think everyone is in agreement that using them for the purpose of competitive advantage is wrong, but that’s generally not what people are talking about when discussing “mods”… The problem is how do you know Gaijin won’t suddenly decide one mod or another (that’s not a cheat) isn’t allowed and you get banned from it, even when you weren’t trying to cheat.
I’ll leave my feedback here!
Interestingly, my FPS stability increased a little bit!
And, as you can see, I haven’t been false-positive’d, as I feared, so it appears I fell to the online fear-mongering and panicked too much, hahahah (everyone claiming there would be a catastrophic wave of false positive bans, etc).
How I feel right now towards BattlEye;
When you’re allowing software kernel-level access, I think people have a right to know EVERYTHING to keep themselves safe!
Being forced to “trust me bro” re new software or not be able to play a game people have sunk much money and time into doesn’t sit right with a lot of us!
“abusive sound mods”?
Well, if the stock engine sounds didn’t sound like garbage, then we wouldn’t want to. I just want the vehicle sounds to match what they actually sound like irl, same with guns and explosions.
The most abusive thing is the ULQ mode which lets you just turn off some foliage and AO, not sound mods!
Because of BattleEye, I don’t have tank sound anymore. The engines are muffled and can’t be heard.
Because of BattleEye, I no longer have any sound in the tank. The engines are muffled and can’t be heard.
Sorry but u really believe 4-8% players are cheaters? I doubt that very very very harshly.
With estimated 14 million player (source linked 3 times now in previous posts) per Month, that would mean between 560.000 and 1.120.000 Player do cheat on a monthly base and only 1190 get detected?
As stated, if out of 14.000.000 monthly players cheat 4200 (last month it was just 1190), its only 0,03% of the players, meaning in a match with 20 players u will encounter one in every 166th match. not very often i will say.
Even if the statistics of 14,000.000 is wrong and its only 10.000.000 million players and they have only banned half of all cheaters… its still super super low of a number. By far less then 0.1% of the playerbase.
Never ever!
Dont get me wrong, i believe there are cheaters… but i also bet my left nut that 95% of the “thats a cheater” claims are bullcrap.