War Thunder "Alpha Strike" - Changelog

Anyone with this… Disable HDR for now.

I thought we were supposed to have the Gripen C for Sweden this patch?
Weren’t we supposed to have a tech tree A-6 by now as well?

I did dat!

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“(New Ejection seats) A-7D, A-7E, F-100A (all variants), F-100D (all variants), and A-6E TRAM.“

Still missing the J29, A29, SK-60, J32, and A32’s ejection seats 😞

SHIT, we finally got NAPALM for the Tunnan? Also, why is the Tunnan so underrated, was my favorite grinding aircraft in rank V/VI. Wish they would add all variants foldered under the others.

Nope just rockets, no drop tanks either im afraid

Awww, I was really looking forward to those, and the ability to use as napalm. What rocket changes?

It can now use all the rockets the A29B could mount, and AA missiles

Nice, too bad the RB-24’s suck.

Does that say that it has C-20 engines?

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I’d say yes

Since you handled the report, the cockpit apparently says C-20 engines here if I’m not wrong.

So maybe reopen this one?


@Stona_WT @Smin1080p do you know when they will fix the LITENING II on the F-16C, it has been bugged as GEN 1 thermals for months and there have been a dozen or so bug reports on it.


I’m still waiting for them to fix this. It’s just unplayable now

That is low key really funny haha. Likely doesn’t change the developers position but I’ll ask after work.


Battlehawk Get Any GE camos at all?


nice update…im gonna have to wait for tomorrow cause every battle is crashing for me, yikes

Good job managed push out an update with ZERO testing.

HDR broken, textures for AMD card broken, missiles broken, players flickering in and out of visibility…just a few people are already complaining about in a few hours


Did not see this mentioned anywhere in the changelog, but the Leopard 2Ks 20mm autocannon got a big buff to the horizontal targeting speed. Previously it was matched to that of the turrets, now it’s something like 72°/s (maxed expert crew).