War Thunder "Alpha Strike" - Changelog

lol. They add and take away things not because they had them or not but because they want to keep vehicles where they like them.

Is a bad option because Is overbr
The Amv we have in game should be 11.0
While the PT 3 should be able to mount both the pso and the warkit at the same time

id say 11.3 max, and the ariete and ariete pso at 11

“War” kit, not pso.

It is a bad option because whatever it will be implemented, it will be bad

just like the otomatic should be like 10.7 or lower

And you get 2A4 level of protection, stop touching dead poor creature

my b get those to confused. thanks

either way it was designed to stop kinetic rounds, and right now it is just added weight with no functionality.

2a4 turret still probably stronger. :) lol

Imho the AMV pt1 shouldn’t be higher than the C1/Pso in br. It have 10.0 pre serie armor, a light engine upgrade and the same Shell as the pso/C1

the only good ariete is the 10.3 ariete, where its armor is ok

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I disagree. Fold it with the preserie, and give It the same Shell as the normal 10.3 italian mbt and It Will fit.

True, i have unlocked the pso some day ago and Is painful to play

i would say move them down to 10.7 and give them the cl3143 round again. seeing as how they never fired dm53.

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it would still be outmatched by things like the 80u and uk though.

lets face it though we only play italy for the cars. :) going on 1700 kills in my centauro 120.


Graphics are boken since the update

Yes, all the colours are way off… When I take a screenshot and check the Warthunder screenshot folder… the picture is fine.

To be Fair i wanted to play the Ariete more than the Centauro. I still have some issues with the centauro