Vr Headset issues

Hello everyone

I am currently using HTC VIVE PRO, since the last update any time i am trying to play in VR i get a fatal error and i need to restart the game!

Starting VR from (gaijin launcher) doesn’t work, inside the game doesn’t work.

I have re-installed the game, the “STEAM VR” program and nothing. OPENXR settings have been changed multiple times with countless times.

If any of you are encountering this issue please let me know ( i have to specify that it was working fine before the last major update [Firebird]).

The last update did change settings that I had to change but I didn’t have any crashes and I’m not using a Vive; I assume it works outside of WT?

Go through your graphics settings and make sure no ray tracing is turned on and any other customized settings are still present.

  • I don’t recall all the changes I made but I recently disabled anti aliasing all together for something else; I do know that you used to be able to disable reflections and now that option only allows you to disable their sharpness.

I have the same issue with Quest 3 for weeks. I run steam VR and Virtual Desktop on my PC and get a crash every second battle, but it only happens in WT. Every other game runs fine.

I also the play the game on my notebook and the problem persists on it too.

Yes, it did work before the patch, but not since.

Got Quest 3 too, but don’t run it via Virtual Desktop, and never have any issues with it.

Do you use the Meta app?

Yes, just the regular Meta Quest Link app.


I use the quest 3 with virtual desktop for almost a year now and also had some crashes since the last big update.

Try to go into VR, but start the game in 2D mode.
Then activate VR in the game.
Did this once and then it worked normally again with starting via Virtual Desktop.

Still haven’t been able to figure out what advantages Virtual Desktop even is supposed to have. I Have it too, tried it out once, about a year ago, and had only issues with no noticeable improvement…

What a real game changer was for me was to go from connecting via my normal WLAN-router to connect via D-Link DWA-F18 Air Bridge. Perfect stutterfree connection all the time…

The only issue i have using Quest 3 and VD is that thr camera jumps around quite a lot looking around in the cockpit.
Have to reset the camera often due to it.
Works well rest of the time

For me VD have the most stable FPS while using their «native» Openxr.
The other solutions have been more unstable in terms of FPS or crashes.
Been even better with the latest updates

I turn on a second screen and watch cat videos while ascending. Other than that it supports pass trough so I can see my hands while I tap around for the controls.

I solved my issue by turning off supersampling and using the stock settings in Steam VR. I still get a crash, but only every 5 hours or so.

how is the resolution in the quest 3 and what else have you used to compare it to?

I use the Reverb G2 but it’s getting time to upgrade to something (but I’ll probably also need a new PC or at least GPU - I run a 2080).

Best for the affordable headsets.
Went from the Q2 to the Q3 and it is a bug upgrade.
Use it with VD using a linkcable and it’s very, very reliable and gives good performance in both WT, DCS, Il-2 and FS

I run Virtual Desktop because i get a more stable stream while using dual band wifi :P If your wifi router is bad you wont really see any difference because any benefits would be canceled out by bad wifi. Having already good to great Wifi then you might see some improvement in stability if you are having stutters/lag even with the good wifi. (at least from what i have heard and it worked for me, using Pico 4)

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has anyone ever used anything better than the HP Reverb G2? I think the Pico 4 is the same screen but better lenses (and software). I think the HTC Vive Pro 2 is better but I can’t verify… I’m pretty sure I can use it with the Valve lightboxes (but I haven’t used those in 2 or 3 years - they’re not even installed in my new house).

I use wired fibreoptics and link cable, works like a dream after VD released their own XR

too good, good enough to play ground forces in sim

I needed to OC my 3070 Ti to oblivion to get 72 fps on medium graphics, now I need to upgrade to 5080 to get decent fps on high settings

So you’re using HTC Vive Pro 2 or Pico 4?

If I OC my 2080 my room will catch fire if I don’t have a water block to add to it, I’m debating buying a 4080 super which is already water cooled or somehow adding a water block to my GPU and figuring out where to put another tank in the computer (the CPU is already water cooled)

Quest 3

Isn’t it possible to use the main heat exchanger to cool both units?

Possible? sure, but which device do you want to feed hot water into?

Also I’m not sure my AIO would handle extra water and you’d have to build a custom rig for that which I don’t have experience doing - and I still need a water block or water GPU with a water block and also broke (thanks Obama).

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