Volumetric remains a broken system yet hasn't been removed or replaced

It very obviously doesn’t do that as an 80mm side plate and a 20mm skirt doesn’t equate to 250mm of armor

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It depends on an angle?
Post a picture otherwise this is pointless rant.

Its better then the trash we were playing with before. Getting killed by 90mm rounds bitting through spaces 5 mm wide. Aa being the most deadly vehcles because the ammo is 1 pixel in size and finds gaps in armour.

It is clear that the intention of the volumetric bullets is good, since the bullets have to have their diameter and not be a pixel, that is clear, but it cannot be that in exchange for not being killed for a pixel, one in four bullets bounce because it is poorly implemented, I want the volumetric bullets, but also that they are well made, not the mess we have.

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Nope 100% disagree. Heavies were basicly useless and the most powerful vehicles had autocannon and .50 cals. Armour models just need improving, volumetric is fine. Ive seen so many showing videos as well, blaming columetric but just dont understand how armour works

So why the skirts of the panther, tiger 1 and 2 can stop bullets with a penetration of more than 200mm? Possibly the problem is not the volumetric bullets themselves, it is more how the armor interacts with them, and that is something that you have to correct immediately, since it is an infinitely bigger problem than the fact that the bullets were pixels.


This is why the convo should change from “remove volumetric shells” to “add volumetric armor”. Hard to judge the new system when only half of it is in the game. In fact, I think I recall seeing something about how they have a system for the volumetric armor that mostly fixes this issue. Sadly, it seems that they are hardly converting the older vehicles to the new system.

I already told you that I don’t want them to remove the volumetric bullets, but without the game it’s going to stay as it is and they don’t modify the armor to avoid the absurd ricochets, it would almost be better to go back to the pixel bullets, because it can’t be because of the game you are dying systematically because your shots bounce meaninglessly.
As you have said, the problem is possibly the main culprit, for example the tiger and Kv have been stopping bullets in the hull front for years just because the nose makes a step, but when making the volumetric bullets that failure has multiplied by 4.

Well that didn’t really change did it ?
Heavies are still very vulnerable because of the light tanks they encounter and the most powerful tanks are the ones with autocanons.

it was infinitely worse before.

Not so sure. I remember the IS-6 was already very powerful and other heavies such as the Tiger II having this problem in very rare cases. I saw a video of the IS-1 having a tiny hole in its armour but in combat it vas very unlikely to hit it.

Today shooting feels very inconsistent. Either the shell diseapears because it hit the skirt of a panther or it get absorbed by the gun without doing any damage.

you just had to ail for the turret ring gap to kill them with even 20mm spaa and other dumb shit like that pr mg to find pixel wide gaps in the armour plates

Yes but back then SPAAs were way less resistent as you could just hullbreak them.

I don’t remember having had this issue too much but I mostly played tanks that didn’t have armour so …


Modeling a 2mm hinge as 180mm of armor is not a working system.

This is fundamentally broken and needs to be removed until a functioning system can replace it.

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Gaijin your modeling system is not realistic


What are these

What is this Gaijin


It’s better then what it replaced and is improved with every update. It’s not a quick process remodelling hundreds of armour models while creating new models for new vehicles.

Well, they should do it separately and when it was well done, they should implement it, because to remove one thing that is not going at all well to replace it with another that is a disaster and they need 20 years to model it correctly at the pace they are going, it is not very good idea.

Maybe this is a bug you could, I dunno, report?

The new one is very playable and 1000% better then what we had before.