I made mine specifically about the Unmanned turret, since I felt that’s what China needed most, as the ZBD-04 could fill the role of a more lethal IFV. Also interestingly tho the VN-20 with the manned turret still has to two F&F ATGM’s present on the tank
No, it’s a new revolver cannon. You can distinguish it from ZPT-99 by the reinforced ribs on gun barrel.
It’s said to have a fire rate of 800rpm maximum, but I’m still trying to find a source.
If you can find a source talking about this new gun that would be great!
The gun is probably based on H/PJ17. Similar ribs can be seen on the barrel.
I think it‘s a new cannon, meybe have some relationships.
As it can fire at 800rpm, while H/PJ17 can only fire at about 350rpm.
I find a paper showing that it can fire at 800 rpm, but I’m not sure if it can be posted, considering the forum policy.
Does it have Restricted/Official only/Classified/Export restricted markings on it?
No, then it’s fine, it’s a paper.
And another paper shows that it can fire at even more than 1200 rpm, not sure if it’s some kind of extreme test. 1200 is too high for a IFV.
Do you think the VN-20 uses the same auto cannon? If so this would mean that both these IFV’s are very powerful when it comes to auto cannons
I’m sure it do use the same cannon. But the type that uses Bakhcha-U(100MM and 30mm) is still zpt-99. Anyway, gaijin better equip these with Chinese own 30mm tungsten apfsds, not 3ubr11, which should be similar to MK258.
We still do not have information on the 30mm APFSDS for PLAGF. We do not even know whether PLAGF actually operates any 30mm APFSDS. PLA Navy does have 30mm APFSDS, but it cannot be used on IFVs.
I doubt theyd go the lenght developing a 30mm and not developing an atleast tungsten apfsds along side
Also… you think you could use the vn 20 to try and get a better reverse speed for the vt4?
is this a naval round?
I’m pretty sure that DTC04-30 is an APDS. This pic should be someone putting together a naval 30mm APFSDS projectile and a ground 30mm cartridge case.
DTC-04 is used by chinese army
I am still sure that DTC10-30 is an APDS as well, so this one might be the same trick.
The major improvement of DTC10-30 is that it uses fragile penetrators. Basically it means much more fragments can be produced after piercing to genenrate better after-effect.
DTC-04-30 is indeed the name of a shell used by chinese army but it should be an APDS.
This is definitely an APFSDS so yeah I guess this could be used as evidence
It is not a real APFSDS. The left one in the pic is a montage of two different shells. Likely putting together the shell case body of DTC10-30 FAPDS and the projectile of a naval DEC115 APFSDS.