Visual weapon selector poll

Should gaijin add simple fix to weapon selector, and give players option to turn it completely off from options, and when turning it off, it also hides the square marker from bottom of screen.

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

I feel that if you don’t have a keybind set, it should disappear.


Nope, still there

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I heard you can turn it off here:
Options > Main > Show action Bar in battle > Set to OFF

Its not alone. There are way too many things at the bottom that just dont need to be there. Like NVGs or Tpod symbols

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Unfortunately hides everything. Including the bar in both GRB and NRB. Its not gamemode specific. Its fine if you only play air, but if not, you are constantly swapping settings


You can also minimize it (also in the video I linked).

Pick your poison:

  1. Hide it from all modes (or as needed during a game)
  2. Minimize it

Minimizing it is hit and miss. Sometimes it lets you, sometimes it doesnt. I think you need more than 1 item for it to allow you to minimize it.

Its just time that Gaijin give users more control over the UI.

Yep, when it’s only one it cant be minimized, and i dont mind it on top tier jets, since there are other squares in there. And then I got quided bombs,
But example in marineflieger it’s annoying as *****


Why not something circular, like GTA or FPS games? That would be way more cool and intuitive

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That would require some real, legitimate UI design work with attention given to user experience and detail. This would be unprecidented in War Thunder.

To wit, in order to close bomb doors using the multi-function wheel, you need to select ‘open bomb doors’. This has been in the game for 4 years.

Weapon Wheels are really only good for console, however, they could re-utilize the system in place for quick communications if they were going to go that route.

You can minimize it with more than one HUD elements present, say NVDs and Vis-WS then it’s able to be hidden

Yeah, luckily my F-16 has sight stabilization, no idea why, but at least it allows me to hide the ugly thing on that plane. Planes without features cannot hide it when it’s only the button.

Shame that example marineflieger doesnt have anything else, so it cant be hidden. And in grb it truly blocks vision for bombing

I think what’s most fascinating and incredibly incompetant about it’s implementation is that appears for planes carrying one type of ordinance across all BR’s. Also, why does it need to be animated?


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100% just bloat, a new feature that either does nothing or it does something we already could do better.



Yep it would be nice to get rid of.

Its completely useless, I have keybinds to do what it does both more conveniently and faster already. Its default keybind screwed with my existing binds so mine also is unbound now. And it makes the little animation every time you switch weapons because reasons.

And the best thing is, the thing that you could actually need such as setting which weapons fire can’t be done. The squadron Me-262 has three sets of cannons, one of which is low velocity and completely useless for long range.

No way you could turn that one off. But we got a visual weapon selector because no one asked for it, and cycling secondaries with keyboard works perfectly well…


Managing multiple guns on cannon planes is still obnoxious, you need like 4 different binds to manage that, which is only part of the issue with them.

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