Hello @Smin1080p
Thanks for your answer.
1. About the Devs’ wish to create a 9.7 line-up :
We understand the Devs’ choice to provide France for a line-up at 9.7. But the truth is, there is no 9.7 line-up as of right now. Only the VEXTRA (which everyone agrees doesn’t belong here) and the AMX-40 are placed at 9.7 right now, as the VBCI-2 is definitely not 9.7 worthy. I know it because I own the VBCI-2. And while it is a quirky little IFV, it is by no means competitive at 9.7.
→ 2 vehicles do not make up a line-up.
The whole point of this post was to convince the Devs to give France a 10.0 or 10.3 line-up instead of a 9.7 one.
Why a 10.0/10.3 line-up instead of a 9.7 one ?
Because 10.0 means Tiger HAP and Jaguar A, while 10.3 means Super Etendard.
These vehicles are among France’s most iconic vehicles for that period and the VEXTRA being a light tank, France players want to be able to use the VEXTRA along with CAS.
Also because it would finally give the Devs a reason to fix the Roland 1’s elevation … and put it at the same BR as the FlakRakPz 1 at BR 10.3.
Let’s make a quick comparison.
On one hand, the only credible line-up we get at 9.7 is as follows :
- VEXTRA (light tank) ;
- AMX-40 (MBT) ;
- Roland 1 (SPAA, but with shockingly low and frustrating elevation limits).
Or, if the Devs get around the idea of giving a 10.0/10.3 line-up :
- VEXTRA (light tank) ;
- AMX-40 (MBT) ;
- Tiger HAP (helicopter) ;
- Super Etendard ;
- Jaguar A (CAS)
- Roland 1 (SPAA, but with the correct elevation limits).
→ This is what a REAL line-up looks like. There is no point in creating a 9.7 line-up if there all the appealing support vehicles are positioned a BR or two above.
2. When are the other vehicles coming for 9.7 ?
@Smin1080p, it’s been a little over 4 years since the Leclerc has been added (“Imperial Navy” major update released on May 29th 2019). You have been telling us about “fleshing out” this BR bracket for 4 years. And in 4 years, the only 9.7 vehicle we received was the VBCI-2 (a premium vehicle).
How long until we get the 9.7 vehicles you keep telling us about ?
In 4 years the Devs only added one 9.7 vehicle. How many more years until we get other vehicles to accompany the AMX-40 ? Two years ? Perhaps three ? Until then, the VEXTRA 105 will be wasted at 9.7. If the Devs want to add other vehicles at that BR : fine. But they shouldn’t artificially gimp a vehicle because a BR is lacking.
For these reasons, we plead the Devs to reconsider.
In conclusion …
The engagement and enthusiasm of France’s community has been exceptional around the VEXTRA 105, whether it comes to the forums discussions or the sheer amount of research and bug reporting that was done for the vehicle.
Let’s not let all these efforts go down the drain.
How will France players take it if they remain once again ignored, all to flesh out a line-up around a premium vehicle ?
For these reasons, we plead the Devs to reconsider.