VEXTRA 105 - Still not EXTRAordinary

That pretty much shows how Gaijin devs operates. They’re stuck with one idea in their head and can’t do anything else.

From a movie called Idiocracy


Even if they don’t want to fix G1 they could just give it DM33, which has 481 mm of pen.


Dont know, gotta ask to Bossman.

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I’ve said it before, but the Vextra really could use OFL 105 F2. It doesn’t matter if it has to be moved up to 10.0 or 10.3 for it, since 80% of your games will be facing 10.0 and 10.3 anyways at 9.7. At least with this, you can face them with better firepower.


Yes. 489mm @ 0m from the CN 105 G2 by L-O.


It makes 0 sense for Gaijin to state that this change was done to preserve the battle rating of the Vextra as if it “helps” the players. It’s yet again a choice that only serves to prove a large disconnect between real gameplay, and the statistics that only serve to be used as a form of confirmation bias.

Not only does their battle rating metric repeatedly fail even the most basic litmus tests, they have actively uptiered other French vehicles in the past without any concern of line-ups nor actual performance relative to the competition.

Anyone want to put together a French 9.0 line-up with me? You can’t, they were all shifted up directly to 9.3 in the claims of balance. How about some fun at 7.7? Good luck, how about we play against Cold War MBTs with our M82 shot at 8.0 with only two tech tree vehicles instead, that’s a very good line-up there.

Even the 9.7 line-up pretty much serves to have 0 existence. Frequently, you get 10.0/10.3 matchmaker which means you will play against infamous vehicles like the 2S38 or Swedish 105mm carriers that have more penetration than you and a 5 second autoloader. As other players even already mentioned, other similar vehicles at 9.7/10.0 already get vastly superior ammunition. Meanwhile at 9.7 France you get a singular other ground combat vehicle (AMX-40) that has the penetration worse than even a T-72M1, and a Roland that can’t look up for AA (let’s not fix the years old bug report guys, moving it from 10.0 to 9.7 will surely “help” the players).
If you have the money, you can pony up for an IFV that has its ammo racks bugged with firepower equal or worse than that of 9.3 IFVs while having no proximity fuse ammunition to deal with helicopters. You will also have zero fixed wing CAS options that bring precision munitions for this line-up since they’re all shifted to 10.3, and once again, even if you DO pony up your hard earned money, you can enjoy uptiering your 9.7 line-up to 10.0 for the Tiger HAP, which also has a multitude of bug reports open like this one.

They should just admit that there are plenty of French options that can be viable if not great at 10.0/10.3 rather than hamstring the Vextra, and actually just stay consistent rather than flip-flop whenever it’s convenient. There’s plenty of vehicles they can add that the French-playing community has already suggested for both ground / air for this bracket (such as the AMX-10RCR T40M or SA365M Panther), and if they fixed existing bug reports rather than leave them as “suggestions”, vehicles already in-game could be brought into the 10.0/10.3 uptiers more effectively anyways.


I feel like everything that had to be said has been said ; the devs are working in the wrong order : the vehicle should go to a BR depending on it’s characteristics, rather than holding back it’s true abilities in order to fit in a specific place imagined by the devs


Yeah there are soooo much things that are frustrating it really push you to either get skill or just be disgusted by france tech tree.

There are also those poor ebr that got to an insane br for no reason and if i remember well still don’t have their promised shell.

Overall concerning France, they barely fix anything, they put glue and hope it will stay good enough for a while and will eventually move up the br of other tank because the skill needed keep increasing and people keep doing good even with tanks that barely fit the br they are in.


Thinking of which, yes I would like to make a lineup with you in:

-A held back VEXTRA
-An “ok” AMX-40
-Fighters with no better than AIM-9Es opposed to Magic 1s
-A heli? An Etendard? An Alpha Jet?
-A held back Roland AA
-A held back MEPHISTO


Another French vehicle shoehorned into a BR it shouldn’t be in. Gaijin, take the chance and put it at a BR on its own and take it as a clue at last to start putting in something at 10.3… We know the BeNeLux ground is coming eventually and since they have a Leo 2A4, it would be nice to have something there already. As well as just putting foundations for France finally receiving the premium in this bracket that it still requires.


IDK, if it’s above 9.7 I wouldn’t use it period cause there’d be better options for me to use such as EBRC Jaguar.
It fires a competitive round for its BR currently.

So yeah, it should stay 9.7 firing its competitive round.

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Wish for 10.3 get non because of devs really wish they asked the players for advice first

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Ebrc would easily be 11.0 minimum its about filling the gap and when it gets nerfed to 350mm that is in no way a competitive dart


Need this, would much rather have the VEXTRA be usable at toptier rather than it be gimped for the mediocre 9.7 lineup


This is their chance to start filling in the massive gap between 9.7 and 11.7 in the french tt, I don’t understand why they’re so hesitant to do it. (though, if they weren’t so stingy with adding new vehicles, this problem wouldn’t even exist.)


It also unfortunately tells me that they really didn’t do proper research on the Vextra and its capabilities. They thought it was 8.7 material or somewhere in the rank 6 criteria and tried to force it in there. It’s a common pattern now that France and perhaps other minor nations suffer from developer’s misconceptions and lack of information regarding French vehicles.

Now I’m wondering if there are vehicles that would be BR 7.7 or 8.0 in Gaijin’s mind when after some bug reports, it would actually be 8.7 or 9.0. But because of Gaijin’s misconceptions, they’re not adding it due to thinking we already have enough 7.7-8.0 vehicles.


414mm of angled pen is good. Easily goes through most situations.

Mediocre? lol
AMX-40, one of the best 9.7 MBTs in the game.
Vextra 105.
AMX-32 [both].
And up to two premiums.

Then for aircraft I get F-100D and Alpha Jet.

My 9.7 France is rather strong.

Thats pretty average if not below

Yeah I really cannot see the EBRC being the same BR as the Vextra OFL 105 F2 round, with the EBRC being a much more capable vehicle in many different ways. It being moved up to 10.0/10.3 would also allow for Gaijin to add a more capable vehicle that’s higher than 10.3+ just like EBRC.

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Considering 90% of the vehicles around this br will be light tanks for future France, only mbts being possibly prototype leclerc and benelux 2a4. There are more than enough tanks to replace the vextra’s spot at 9.7 and if that leak list was right the lepard cockerill would be coming aswell next update probs around 10.0 which could go with the vextra.