VEXTRA 105: A Major Disappointment That Can Still Be An Exciting Addition!

At least something good happened for France.

Now, to languish in despair as France goes another 3 years without anything being polished.

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Oh you can’t imagine how happy I am about the Vextra. I was a bit mad about how it originally came, but that’s what the dev servers are for. The important thing is that it comes mostly fixed by the time the update comes. I’m glad to hear not everything has been tackled and devs are still working on it. I wasn’t expecting this iteration to be final, considering the time. constraints, but I was just pointing them out. Those few are for me the most important and that’s what matters


Just be happy for the time being! The Vextra is going to slap everything silly! Also, it accelerates 0-30 km/h in ~3.1 seconds on an aced crew, all I wanted was 3.4 seconds.


I’m going it in 4s on my stock test drive, which is still absurdly fast lol

It’s no jaguar, but yea. At least we got something solid to pair with Leclerc.

In all honesty, while the Jaguar would be a fun addition, nothin g beats and old reliable 105mm APFSDS. With this you at least has a chance against top tier MBTs from the front, if you aim well

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Aye, it’ll do the job. Just partial to autocannons to support a line up.

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Yeah the Jaguar would be the perfect light tank at top-tier and I will still eagerly await its arrival.


I mean, after careful analysis, I realized that besides the depression and the coaxial machine gun, EVERYTHING was wrong on the VEXTRA.

It’s good to see the Devs being so reactive on the various bug reports that were made on the VEXTRA 105. We were all genuinely concerned about its previous state …

Yes, that’s correct. When vehicles are first uploaded they are typically just the “shell”. The (near) final 3D model usually deployed with the initial configs of another vehicle.

Later in the Dev server cycle they will be tuned and their own unique configs setup.

During this time however, it’s still better (and safest) to report anything and everything suspect. The reports never go to waste and can only help no matter what, even if things are tuned that way later regardless.


At least there wasn’t a false info devblog written based on current state for it like for amx-32-105 situation (half of devblog says stuff thats not in game) or even 2S1 in much less extent. French winning rather big with this update.


I see what you are saying. We were rather concerned with the Vextra because it did not look like a « shell » with the hull parameters of the VBCI, and turret of the AMX10RC (it’s closest in game equivalent for quick testing), but feather an amalgamation of plenty of weird different stuff


Just tried the fixes…its beautiful. Glad to see such a quick turn around with this vehicle, I will be using it a LOT. Looking forward to the updated APFSDS-T round. This is a huge win for French players and opens the door further for more light tank additions. Nice work Gaijin team.

Edit: Also very nice with the Camo mod, I haven’t said anything about it yet.

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We just need a custom camo that has the GIAT Industries registration plate on it.

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Vextra got a new round before the Leclerc did lmao.

But so nice seeing it fixed, and pretty quick as well. Easily one of my favorite wheeled vehicles just due to it’s design and I can’t wait to have it in my line up.

Not to mention how Vextra also has it’s smoke dispensing 2 at a time while Leclerc still does 7…

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Excellent changes to the Vextra, I can see a nice lineup forming with the AMX-40 and Roland 1 at 9.7. I’m also looking forward to it receiving the OFL 105 F2 shell, which I believe will be its first (and hopefully not last) addition to the game.

The Vextra 105 currently has an aced reload of 8.4 seconds. This needs to be reduced massively!

According to GIAT Industries, the Vextra 105 has semi-automatic loading:



Additionally, the TML 105 (early) could mount an ammunition conveyor belt which is the loading aid:


The Vextra 105 won’t stay at 9.7 with OFL 105 F2. It’s already much more mobile than the Type 16 which sits at the same BR and OFL 105 F2 is a much better round compared to Type 93 APFSDS (almost 90mm more pen). Therefore, I think the reload should be reduced to 5 seconds and the Vextra 105 should move up to 10.3 where it will fit in nicely with OFL 105 F2 for these reasons:

  • M1A1 already has a 5 second reload with no loader assistance
  • France’s only viable CAS options will all be 10.3 in Ground RB
  • Makes the Vextra 105 much more capable in top-tier where France currently lacks any tech tree light tank

Also, I’m currently putting together a bug report for the AMX 40’s armour which would force its BR to move up to 10.0/10.3 anyway which will create a very nice 10.3 line-up. I believe in the long term, having the Vextra at 10.3 is most beneficial especially when pre-production Leclercs are added which will sit at ~10.7 BR.

So… do you agree??

  • Yes
  • No (please elaborate)
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Well here I was hoping that the nerf was tied to the CN-105F2… Guess it’s just a tax on being french after all.
After all the CV90 with the TML had the standard 105 reload.


9.3 already see lot of full uptier or at least up to 10.0 and 9.7 is uptier to 10.0 min all time so if it can get better yeah, it will not change what those vehicles encounter.


One of the bests vehicle fix I ever seen, thank you for the great job 👍