VEXTRA 105: A Major Disappointment That Can Still Be An Exciting Addition!

AFAIK, french DU usually have the same geometry as their tungsten equivalent. As for initial muzzle velocity, idk. It’s sourced using jane’s so it’s 50/50 believable imo. However, different masses can be fired at the same speed and have thus have the same penetration table (which is quasi linear) with different propellant mass/composition

Different propellants can be used to achieve the same initial velocity. Then the slight difference in weight between the two penetrators has a mostly negligible effect on velocity retention, at least within the effective range of the rounds (~2500m).

This is outlined in a few of the sources which are not visible to the public.

The bug report is fine else it wouldn’t have been acknowledged.


Thanks for making the resume about all the bug reports made by Bossman and Wareta job.
It should be noted that the EXTRA in VEXTRA is not for “EXTRAordinaire” but it means something else: “Véhicule d’EXpérimentation et de TRAnsmission” or in english something like: vehicule for experimentation and transport.
It was a IFV made to be able to transport troops following the Leclerc, the VAB was not able to follow and the 10RC wasnt able to carry troops so GIAT (now Nexter x KNDS) created something like the Vextra.

We could see multiple version of the Vextra in game now that the chassis is implemented, such as the Vextra using a DRAGAR turret (with a 25mm) or the POLE (with a 120mm, similar as the one on the Leclerc, with a turret following the same architecture as the Leclerc too)

These information i get are from the excellent video made my MeumeuWT who is a French CC (content creator) working at nexter and who also sent bug reports (in coordination with Bossman) on the CC discord. (Here is the link for the one speaking french, idk if there are English subtitle:


Wow, looks like basically everything was implimented wrong. Heres hoping everything gets fixed, France could really use something strong around 9.7-10.0!

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So I did a little testing… Firstly, I think we can all agree the Fox is pretty fast. Well, I timed its acceleration from 0-30 km/h and got ~3.37 seconds on an expert crew. For comparison, the Vextra 105 accelerates 0-30 km/h in 3.4 seconds in real life. Now consider that most vehicles in-game accelerate much faster than they do in real life… Yeah the Vextra could probably should be by far one of the fastest vehicles in War Thunder.


I am glad to see Gaijin implementing camouflage nets for tech tree vehicles. I hope Vextra is only the first of many, and I hope it gets all of the corrections listed on this post!


+1, i think in it’s place at the 8.7 BR should be the Amx 10 RC / TML 105, as it strikes me as somewhat similar to this, but with lower performance.

I’m actually shocked they managed to get this much wrong. Did they do any research? Use random websites for data?


Saddening how lazy devs are with important vehicle introductions such as this, hope they fix it!

Thank you @Bossman919 for your dedication!


Two developments regarding the bug reports:

  1. The bug report about the Vextra being able to drive over 100kph with a flat tire got rejected probably because the devs can’t be bothered modelling it. Not really suprised to be honest.

  2. More importantly, the bug report about the Vextra’s acceleration got rejected because the devs want to stick to their simplistic and dumbed-down physics engine rather than stick to reality. As I said above, it should be at least as fast as the Fox but it looks like this won’t be happening at least for the short-term.
    This is very disappointing when you consider the devs chose to use fictional gear ratios for the Challenger 2 instead of the actual ones to improve its acceleration. So France gets singled out once again…


It’d make more sense to polish the physics engine to allow this, to future proof the system. But guess “Fuck France” wins in their minds.

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I mean, surely they’d have the time to work on that with all the spare time that comes from not bothering to properly research new vehicles anymore…

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Hey guys.

I would just like to note that insulting the Devs is not going help any reports be resolved or lead to any changes.

I appreciate not everything may be implemented the exact way you may have imagined it, however several key reports were fixed today and have either been deployed or are pending deployment.

Throwing insults is not going to help others be fixed. Please keep things civil and respectful.


Taking shots at the actions is not taking shots at the individuals. I’m sure they’re fine people. But these actions are notably going to degrade the end result, not just for France presently, but for any other options for other nations that don’t fit into a simplified physics engine. It is far more sensible to bring the physics engine up to par, and note that the inaccuracy can’t be correct presently but may be fixed in future, than write it off out of hand.


Unfortunately a few people were going further than that. Which is what my reply was aimed at.

Constructive feedback is entirely fine and reasonable. Throwing insults is not going to achieve any constructive outcome.


Soooo… Dev server just got updated, and the Vextra went 9.7… for a good reason! Lots of reports have been tackled. I’m going to give stock and no crew values (since I don’t have the vehicle unlocked)

Gun is fixed. Looks like we are getting the OFL 105 F2 as well (still F3 placeholder so penetration values are subject to change).
Gun handling is also extremely good now. Looks like we got the Leclerc traverse and elevation speeds (I have 24°/s horizontal, 17°/s vertical on stock)
Gen 2 thermal for the gunner, neat.
Engine and weight got changed. The vehicle accelerate like a rocket and plow through even off road, reaching 100kph quite easily even on dirt roads.

It’s still missing a few things. The reload has been nerfed and is painfully slow for a 105 at 9.7s stock compared to the 8.7s of the Centauro 105 for exemple.
The commander is still lacking a stab (and I can’t check for NVD/thermal) (not that it matters to me with how good the gunner stab is), and internal modules haven’t been changed according to Meumeu’s internal report (French CC who apparently sent photos of Vextra to devs, but I don’t have proof of that).
Welcome VEXTRA to my 11.7 lineup and I hope you will be an excellent asset to the French high tier lineups.

Edit : that’s the big stuff I’ve seen, and once again everything is full stock. Please share if you have noticed something else


A few more things will be on the way too. It was not / is still not fully configured as many Dev server vehicles are too.

Thanks for the feedback. Hope you enjoy the tank on release :)


Also OFL 105 F2 is coming! But the values aren’t correct yet…


o7 and thanks for your work!


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