VEAK 40 Is performing horribly

Ever since the accurate removal of the HE-VT from the Box, otherwise known as the VEAK 40. This thing has turned into the worst SPAA at its tier, with a few exceptions.


This thing was once a decent SPAA, now its garbage. Fire rate is too low to spray and pray, and the radar tracking is awful. The exit velocity of the guns at 820 m/s is atrocious and makes hitting planes a guaranteed, no.

If you encounter the average CAS players they know better than to fly in a straight line. even in a straight line the chance of hitting anything is negligible. With the Radar just teasing of what could be. no matter of dancing around, behind, in-front. of the radar indicator results in any hits. Since most of your shots travel at half the velocity as other Cannons at the tier.

Its in simple terms ####### Impossible to hits gosh damn squat.

And with the size of this things turret Its just not even worth trying to fight tanks in it.

A while back i made a few bug reports for this thing to get its real ammunition with the real velocity. Instead of removing the HE-VT and giving its regular ammunition the real properties they just did the lazy approach and remove the good thing about the VEAK 40 and push it down a tier.


Are you kidding me gaijin? Devs? Whoever decided this was a bright idea. And if you didn’t see my bug report, which is impressive if you were researching the VEAK 40 bug reports. Here it is, please have a read and do the right thing and make the VEAK 40 less crap. (Although the Lvkv 42 isnt true in this report after evidence found)

And for the War Thunder players reading this, um. hi I’m Karnitin75 one of the Swedish Researchers / Translators, of the This Forum.

I have made a couple quality of life suggestions/reports. As well as some vehicle suggestion. such as the Hawker J34 (U56) that was recently passed to the devs in July: passed to the developers

And hopefully we can get the Saab CCRP for rockets/Bombs, for the B17, B18, T18, A21A, J21RB


they removed the he-vt?
that was like its only redeeming quality wtf


Quite a bit ago too.

They did it because the ItPsv 90 is at 8.7, but there was an SPAA hole at 7.7 for Sweden.

The thing is, the ItPsv is only at 8.7 because of the chassis, otherwise it’s basically just a Gepard.

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Its been gone for a while. Its 7.7 woth no lineup so you have to bring it to 8.0 against much better spaa so its a dead vehicle.

That would be a redeeming factor if 7.7 actually had a lineup

with the br bumps of the previously 7.7 it was located badly, but still usable now its not even usable.

But 8.0 does, and a 0.3 bump is not much for an SPAA. It atleast gives the 8.0 lineup a viable SPAA.

I wont deny that 8.0 finally has an spaa but its not great. I still prefer my ZSU 23-2 or m163 for sheer volume of rounds personally over the slow fire rste of the Weak 40

To add to that, the muzzle velocity being almost doubled makes a even bigger difference

This a 7.7 SPAA, it is super OP now for 6.7-7.7 planes, think about M163, you got radar and enough armor protection, even with high pen ammo, such kind of Radar spaa should be 8.0, it is also better than ZSU-23-4


I really loved the experience with it when it had the HE-VT shells, least decent radar in its BR when was 8.7 and now 7.7,

But the experience with solid shells is not good at all, but no bad, the only problem is the slow reload time and the impossibility for keeping constant fire.

But I want Udes XX-20.

M163 radar was nerfed and the reason of the Shilka in 8.0 is obvious when you compare both in close ranges performance, because it can only perform well in close ranges, I suggest you comparing it with Yenisei as it has decent performance over 2,5Km.

The reason why it got 1.0 BR lower it was all because ItPSv Leopard, both used to sit in the same BR and with the removal of the HE-VT shell was enough reason for lowering the BR.

Thats really my buggest gripe is the reload amd fire rate. I prefer more constant streams of rounds over what the veak offers so for me its the worst of the 7.7 spaa because i prefer either the M163 or the ZSU 37-2

No lmao, i love the Shilka way more than the Weak. Font get me wrong a lot of people hate in the m163 but it is pretty solid for a gun, the radar and open top design are my only gripe with it. The veak just doesn’t have the velocity or the firerate to deal with aircraft before they take evasive actions.

ItPsV leo AHEAD shells when?

When they fix the cv9035’s AHEAD which its missing

How would it be fixed if it doesn’t have it?

It has it irl, the barrel in game even has the programmer set on the end of the barrel. Gaijin just removed it despite docs showing it had it and the ability to track air targets.

ItPSv should be 8.7, same as ZA-35, both ZSU-37-2 and VEAK40 need back to 8.0, m163 doesn’t work after 1km, unless the CAS is stupid enough to keep straight, there is no chance to defeat, and by the way, amx30 spaa and Flacon are still 8.3 as well

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