VEAK 40 Is performing horribly

It didn’t have it to begin with? Did it?

The dev’s don’t seem to have an issue with Britain having 3x SPAAs all at 8.3. The way they conduct their BR balances numbs the mind.

Yeah on the Dev it did. A few of the german players stated the only reason they were foxing AHEAD was because of the swedish getting treated fairly unlike germany.

Oh boy this again lmao

People, can we please stick to the topic.

AMX 30 DCA is 8.7

Okay, MB

Yet 2S38 still fires darts, they only care to nerf non Russian vehicles

And the VEAK 40 had APDS that would be very stupid if added, the cheer firepower would be the same as a Ostwind II vs a M4 sherman, if shot at the front likely nothing happens but if the side is shown ooof, thats one swiss cheese sherman

This thing is still a steaming pile of dog shit.

No idea what why they decided to nerf it so badly. It’s pretty well useless now, and it’s turret the size of a house doesn’t help when trying to hide it.

Give it the HE-VT back and push it to 8.0, or at least increase it’s muzzle velocity if you are going to leave it at 7.7.

And for phucks sake, fix the muzzle flash.

That thing would be much higher than 8.0 with HE-VT.

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Just ask the M247 which just keeps creeping up in BR every now and then.

As it should, it’s the best SPAAG in the game.

Honestly it isn’t really that bad imo.

That would be hilariously OP.

It was 8.7 with the VT ammo.

Imo its a worse ZSU-37-2, i prefer the ZSU just for the consistent fire rate and rpm. The veak fails to do the most important aspects of an spaa with only 40 rounds then a 1 sec reload, any break in fire us a huge disadvantage. Its why i love the 37-2 its a solid vehicle with a large ammo pool and its has a 500 rpm over the 300, imo of the 7.7 spaa id take ZSU-37-2 first, m163 2nd since i dont need radar for most 7.7 strike vehicles and the m163 has superb rpm and velocity within 3km, the Veak just falls flat of being a useful spaa. Its a better play to play a 7.7 fighter but only if you are in an ontier match or downtier as swedens air around that rank is some of the worst in the game for uptiers.

Imo just add Tridon with HE-VT or the ZSU-57-2M with HE-VT and leave them at 8.0 since they’d be more or less the same as the WZ305

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I can’t get why they still won’t fix the VEAK 40 and Lvkv 42’s cannons in War Thunder! They’ve got the 40 mm Lvakan m/48, which IRL fired at over 1,000 m/s, but in-game, they’re stuck with this slow, useless ammo. Darn it! This isn’t just about accuracy for me anymore—it’d save these vehicles from the absolute pain they’re in RN.

The low velocity makes hitting planes or even light tanks a nightmare. Just give them the proper ammo already! It’s such an obvious fix that would make these vehicles actually work. Why TF are we still waiting for this? It should take a higher priority than most other things! we need our 7.0-7.7 SPAA Darn it!

And I’m so tired of sitting here and waiting for jack squat! I want my 40mm lvakan M/48 to be viable!


Ain’t gonna use it the way it is now

You are preaching to the masses here! I agree. The ZSU-57 as is, unless it’s pure anti-tank is almost useless against smart, helo or jet pilots.

Yeah which sucks but having a unique finnish spaa would be cool since 7.7 imo doesn’t warrant attention as it has 2 vehicles. The Veak and the Strv 81, 8.0 is needing of a viable SPAA and the Veak fails in every regard to that roll when it has to compete with most 8.3 SPAA