Veak 40 ammo change

lol, your good, essentially, if you know how guns work, you know what a suppressor is, all the gas is contained, but has an inner and outer tube with baffles; the shroud is like taking out all the baffles and inner tube, and it essentially just keeps the muzzle flash in the and having small holes on the back part where it mounts to the barrel, which blasts some back your direction, and holds the rest in the cylinder, ultimately, like you said, only producing smoke. Smoke is not visible at most distances unless the gun is big enough, or your close enough.

I know how they work, hehe just not the complicated bits.

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Also could be the use of a different Type propellant

They shoot the L/60 on the kings birthday and sure its a blank but still just smoke

No meant specifically HE-VT being available, from what I can see the HE-VT rounds were only developed ~15 years after the VEAK project ended.

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Well they existed but were mostly employed by the navy and regular ground mounted air defence

The VEAK 40 and other self propelled vehicles were deemed to be effective enough if im not mistaken but i can definetly be wrong

Well, if the game gives us automatic radar targeting, It wouldn’t matter anyway :D

If they actually made it accurate, most of the time when i follow the indicator even in a straight line flight path, i hit squat. I pretty much give up on using the radar, unless they are very far away or high up

Even HE-VT was difficult to aim with

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I have no issue with the 3m radius on the He-Vt, but if they are close, I ignore radar completely and pot shot at them, at distance, they usually don’t have RWR or just don’t pay attention (tunnel vision anyone?) and get easy kills because they get caught off guard. I can sometimes hit shots with the API-T at <1km, don’t know if it’s because of practice, but I do trap shooting, so idk.

I haven’t really looked into much and i could be wrong, but didn’t the VEAK not historically have access to HE-VT due to it being made in a time where 40mm Bofors HE-VT wasn’t a thing?

HE-VT wasn’t developed until the 1970s due to its complexity.

VEAK was developed in the 1960s.

Veak didn’t enter service so it was highly unlikely it was equipped

All in all, if the 40mm Bofors was indeed developed in an earlier date, I’d expect that theyd also be equipped on the M42. (Still missing its ballistic lead mechanic that would make it competitive)


As long as the VEAK didn’t have access to HE-VT rounds historically, I am fine with the change. Sadly, a good SPAA is lost, but you also gain a great 7.7 SPAA to use, which will greatly benefit the 8.0 lineup.

First proximity fuse armament was used in WW2. Don’t know when the Swedish produced it.

First proximity fuse really has nothing to do with the first 40mm proximity fuse.

Its a lot easier to enginer a proximity fuse for a 105mm+ gun then it is a 40mm gun


Wjat fucking 7.7 lineup do you plan on playing bud? 3 tanks and a plane? Bring the veak to 8 9 and we basically play 9.0 with one of the worst spaa to sit at 7.7, too slow firerate to have a great chance at fast targets, constantly has to eeload and you basically lose the best spaa till 9.7

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I could make a report but i do have sources about the HE-VT being available for 40mm at least at mid 60’s.

page 118-122 talks about the “currently available variants of proximity fuses” for different calibers (40mm included).
This got published in 1967.
the VEAK project ended around late 60’s early 70’s IIRC.
Trying to find more info at the moment.

This one talks about a countermeasure system trial against proximity fuses to make them detonate to early and thus save the plane. tests were done with 40mm granades with proxy fuses and the countermeasure managed to make them detonate. so they had working 40mm proxy at least 1964-65.

But i have also found info that they were not introduced into active service until 1975. but they did exist way before then and before the cancelation of the VEAK project. still looking for info if they were available during the trails of the prototype VEAK in 1963.


literally killing sweden spaa until 10.0 :skull:
instead they could just rise the BR of the veak, but as always…

That would be the key bit of information.

so its not enough (even a little) that they overlap?

I don’t mean to come off as hostile or anything, it’s not my intention. Just asking out of curiosity.

Why does that matter only now when technical capability (if it exists) is used on numerous examples in the game.
Two wrongs don’t make a right, I am aware but first example that comes to mind is F-5A/C countermeasure dispensers. Despite USAF never having them on theirs in real life, they still are equipped with such in the game (yes, the technical capability exists and F-5A was upgraded with ALE-40 by Norway)

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Those are easier to put a proxy fuse into then a 40mm Cannon Round.