Veak 40 ammo change

The swedish one?? The veak is swedish

@Stona_WT @Smin1080p @Gunjob
Can we get any sort of comment on this at all?
This was sprung on us out of the blue with no opportunity to leave feedback so i think it only fair for us to at least have a reasoning as to why it was done.


Is there a report for me to look at?

I’d imagine they’d replace the VEAKs with Sgt York or similar.

The lower muzzle velocity makes it way harder to hit aircraft!!!

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This has been unfixed for sooo long now. Altough i have never seen any proof on the HE-VT being used other than on naval vessels and fixed armament that came later. But this needs to be fixed the Lvakan 48 is a L/70 and uses the same ammunition as the Leopard 40/70 and Amx13DCA!!

just change it for the M247 completely^^

Still can rush airfield like that

I haven’t played this is over a week (been too busy playing Fallout 4 since the show reigned a desire to play) but, I will check it out later, that practically removes the entire thing that makes the VEAK decent, that is other than its stabilizer. Taking away HE-VT, and keeping it 8.7 is the wild part.

Probably those damn American mains complained enough about their precious Sgt. Yourke being “worse” than the VEAK so they changed it. The Yourke and the Veak are two of a kind, SPAAG prototypes, built on the countries current MBT chassis, and stabilized in an era without stabilizers usually. If your gonna take the Protype VEAK 40 He-Vt away, take away the Yourke’s and see them cry too, then it’ll restore the balance


now it Weak

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All of them are currently incorrect, the L/70 that is, no? Is the Stridsfordon 9040’s wrong?

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No, only the swedish designation for some reason… only thing that is incorrect with all 40 mm Bofors guns is the muzzle flash, since they all have muzzle hiders

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Okay, make sense, but flash hiders, don’t actually “hide the flash” so to speak, it just redirected the fireball from the barrel out to the sides, back, or just, like I believe in this case, completely shrouds it, that is the cone on the end of the barrel I am talking about. Like I could take a tin/aluminum soup can, and cut it to the cone shape with the hole for the barrel, and it would Hide the flash, or be a “flash suppressor” where cans the flash to not be visible; on an battle rifle for example, or an Armalite.

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Okay however ive been near a L/60 and the Strf 9040s with the L/70s firing and all you see is a small small light and most of it is just Smoke!

Not the huge fireball

Yeah, that’s a “can shroud” where the flash doesn’t exit the end of the barrel, it just fills in the conical device on the end. So it could be called a hider or a shroud. This is why suppressors are used on small arms, it keeps the enemy from being able to see your flash and therefore, fire back, by keeping the fireball contained.

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Okay i see what you meant, i missunderstood ya. Yea i get they dont eliminate the flash

Well, it “does” it’s less of removing the flash, more just making it not visible; whether it be like this gun, or small arms. I wish I was at my computer so I could MS paint a cross section to have it make sense, words doesn’t explain engineering very well :P

Haha, so a Flash hider, or Flash reducer

Hider, Shroud, suppressor, whatever you’d like to call it. It all does a similar job; but this is a shroud type hider, similar to a suppressor.

Okay, cool. You are right im not a engineer. Just a artist specialising in game graphical design XD