Veak 40 ammo change

remove the apds limit

Because the York has a better radar and better spaa capabilities than due to not having to reload, firerate, and having no tracers. I enjoyed the York way more than the veak. Now that it lost its He vt ill just use it as a TD as its better suited for that than spaa now.


Can we get a comment on why this big of a change was added without the ability for us to comment on it?

Why not wait until next round and give us the time to give feedback?


is the M247 really that bad?

No, the grind yes but spaded no (also ap belts were removed from the york for historical reasons imo it was a dumb change but they werent equal after the york got buffed.)

No it isn’t, even witbout the HE-VT it is pretty good at killing helicopters and decent at killing planes. The SAPHE can overpressure light vehicles and some heavier ones with the right shot placement, and the HE-VT makes a 10-20 round burst sufficient to kill any helicopter at range. It is quite effective at killing Su-25s because it isn’t effected by flares like the missile SPAA like the Imp Chaparral. I keep it in my lineup with my Imp Chaparral because it is so amazing at defending against helicopters.

I rather have VEAK40 go up to 9.7 with the HE-VT round since the missile SPAA’s have trouble elevating straight over the battlefield and planes at 10.0+ range are fast enough that hitting them with Itpsv90 is really depending on them to fly straight for long times at range to hit.

Looks like there is less and less reason to bring a SPAA at all and just take a fighter in CAP role.

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Slower firerate then my zsu 37-2, no thanks ill take the zsu 37-2 over the veak any day for spaa. For TD i have 57-2 and veak i guess yay…

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i was talking about the ZSU 57-2 as that is the only ZSU in the Swedish tree.

At killing helicopters? I will destroy you in any basic heli with missiles found at 8.0 and up since i see tracers and the veak has shit velocity. Maybe the ah1g and occasional huey rocket bombing might get hit but that poor fire rate and velocity ill just dodge your shots while my missile flies at you

I know but im referring to a similar 7.7 spaa. Again gaijin shouldve added the prox shells to the zsu 57-2 and I guess if they wont change their mind about the veak go ahead and give the zsu a radar since it had it. At least it’ll actually be a decent spaa then.

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i’m curious about their reasoning as well, are they going to remove the HE-VT from the WZ305 and move that down to 7.0 then?

No because to my knowledge the veak didnt have he -vt but i havent seen anything to confirm or deny it. Regardless sweden now has a the same spaa br gap from 4.3 to 8.7 cause the veak without prox is shit lol.

an artificial restriction implemented by gaijin as balancing measure, same could have been done to the VEAK but no, with gaijin its always extreme measure instead of finetuning things first.

with how bad early SPAA radars track planes currently in the game, the VEAK will not be useful against aircraft with its regular HE shells, since unlike things like the Shilka, M163, ZSU-37-2 or even things like the Kugel, it simply lacks the fire density to be useful against players actually moving around isntead of flying in straight lines.

Also has to reload every 40 rounds. So again sweden gets another glorified TD disguised as a SPAA

Go back and check what post I replied to before spouting off at the mouth about how great you are…

My B chief, but thanks i am pretty great ;)

I linked a source