And both stances are dishonest and ignorant. Simple as.
Overperforming ERA stopping kinetic rounds they weren’t ever designed to stop.
This is outright false, no APFSDS ingame should be able to defeat Relikt no matter what, even the German MoD stated that DM63 is unable to defeat Relikt, so stop spreading missinformation with your copium paragraphs
Proof please
As in game westen era is no where near as good
Says the dude with 1300 overall battles…
The VIDAR is much easier for a noob to play when compared to the 2S38. Both were equally underitered on release.
It has a very busted damage model, its engines run super cold which makes it very hard to lock, and it seeming pulls energy out of nowehere.
It wasn’t exactly OP until the recent BR changes which made it OP.
Not an event vehicle, but the Turm III is too good for its current BR. The Tam 2IP is better than its TT equivalent, but its at the same BR.
If I am remembering this correctly, most top tier tanks have a 15% chance for every piece of ammo to explode. Plus non exploding ammo happens to other tanks too, most noticably the Tiger II.
It is impossible to deny there is premium bias ingame.
He said half the RU TT was undertiered, I want him to prove that. I can talk to people who do know what the are talking about in regards to top tier. I was mostly talking about his points from a lower BR perspective.
I also play planes, and have a couple rank VII aircraft.
Name them all and we can compare.
Do you main USA air by any chance? Don’t make me check stats
Barely leaves has nothing to do with it being the best nation.
That could also account for how many people play the nation and in that context.
US, Germany and USSR have the largest population of player mains.
Man, the cope is insane in this one.
TURMS. A T-72M with modern FCS, it’s dogshit compared to the Leo2A4/M1 KVT and somehow worse than the chinese clones (ZTZ96A/(P)) at the same BR.
You got sources to back that up?
Irrelevant. The 2S38 doesn’t take much learning, either.
I already mentioned the DM. I don’t agree with your other 2 points not only as someone who occasionally flies the F5C, but also as someone who has fought them. My experience runs counterpoint.
It was OP. Now it’s less oppressive being put up to 9.0 where it will face line-ups that can actually deal with it.
I agree on those points. That doesn’t disprove my prior, though.
I never said premium bias doesn’t exist. We know it does. However contrary to the denial of others Russian Bias does exist also.
Elaborate. The contemporaries or the Russian vehicles? Because I’ve already mentioned the latter in handful of prior posts.
I’m 12.0 in USA and Japan in terms of aircraft.
Your claim:
Russia has undertiered vehicles and Bias code that artificially buffs them thanks to Gaijin.
Additionally, Gaijin artificially nerfs their contemporaries and overtiers them to ensure Russian teams can succeed even when playing braindead by half.
A: Is this projection? Because you summed up the entire usa top tier air. Is the Mig29 a contemporary to the f16c? Because it’s completely nerfed while the f16c is artificially buffed, quite the opposite of the situation you claimed.
Your claim:
Russia is the most egregiously overpowered and handheld nation in the game. You barely have to rub two braincells together to succeed when playing Russian vehicles. Not only is what Gaijin does a violation of fair play, but also a blatant disrespect to the nature of competition.
A: There isn’t a single tree when it comes to air, that is more handheld than USA is. They have been getting a plane each update for like 5-6 updates on a row, they have always been meta planes. It houses by far the biggest shitter players I’ve ever seen, no surprise gjn makes so much money off premiums on this tree. F14a for 1 year, f16 that was actually added in a working state, etc. You don’t get to talk about fair play when it comes to air.
On the ground germany is the most handheld up to rank 4. Sweden gets special treatment. Soviet top tier is only good because of the lineup and is a major nation so much like usa it takes priority.
wouldn’t say always
Alright 4/6 are
well we see next update if the meta shifts
F-16 wasn’t keeping pace with the Mig-29 until the G-limiter was removed.
G-Limiter for the Mig-29 was never implemented, thus by removing it parity in agility was achieved for the F-16
However, Gaijin has yet to fix Sparrows randomly blowing up so armament parity is still missing.
Show me an update where Russia wasn’t getting a single vehicle. They have never been skipped, either. This argument you’re trying to make is meritless. As for the F-14A; The Phoenixes didn’t function as they ought to, still don’t and are only viable against AI, Bot accounts and braindead pilots. Their viability was always very situational.
Same with the USA
We’ve already established being in agreement on that. This reply from you was unnecessary.
so was this one
You got source to back that up?
Yes i do, here’s a summarized version of it with the statement from the German MoD.