Using OpenKneeboard in VR?

Has anyone ever used OpenKneeboard in VR?
It’s used in DCS etc so you can read PDF documents (plane specs etc) while you’re in VR. But I was a little worried it might trigger the anti-cheat software.
There are some good tutorials for DCS and various racing sims, so was tempted to test it out.

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nah ive used it a ton and nothings happened to me

Do you using it with Steam vr or Openxr? I can’t get it work with wt launcher start cuz BattleEye blocks it.

Good question.

Tried it out on my Q3, and it works well in Training flight, but so far every time I tried to use it in a real match I CTD while taking off from the runway…

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Tried it today and OpenKneeboard worked with Battle Eye!

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Oh it works now? awesome, ever since the battle eye update it wasnt working so i uninstalled it. nice to know.