USA top tier needs a change

I vowed not to ever use flying stuff in Top Tier, so that’s not an option for me hahah.

I guess BMP-2M will be replaced by BMP-T/T-15 in a future!
And T-72B3 will be replaced by a newer T-90M, which I imagine will come just like T-80BVM.

Or who knows, maybe we end up getting a T-14 sooner that we imagine hahah, or an Object prototype hahah (640, 195…?)

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It will be a garbage in game.
T-14 series we will see only after 2025 I guess

And I am afraid that Objects can be(I hate the Be verb) added to the game as marathon tanks

I would go for them like crazy then, hahah.

T-80U really feels out of place on my lineup right now… only tank with 1st gen (ew) thermals, 3BM42 instead of 3BM60, 24/5º/s turret/gun rotation speed instead of 40/40º/s…

Meh. Do you have a real life?
WT’s marathons are boring, time-consuming things which damage your mental health

Btw USSR needs another competitive 11.7 tank

When it comes to getting the sellable coupons… yes, they are virtually impossible, I gave up on that after the last couple ones, hahah. They require like 6-8 hours every day, it’s madness.

But when it comes to getting the vehicles themselves, I find it feasible with the playtime I dedicate to gaming a day by default (2-3 hours), so yay!

Cool, can you show me that proof? I only remember that stupid video that doesn’t really proof anything.

Stop putting T-80BVM above T-90M.
That’s like putting M1A1 HC with M829A3 above SEP3 firing the same round just cause the HC is lighter and faster despite being worse armored.

Just look at the leaked documents that were just released on telegram nerdddd

The T-80B and IPM1 were added in the same update, 1.81 ‘‘The Valkyries’’.

This meant the US was the only country with two top-tier MBT’s, both of which were superior to any other top-tier MBT. They also received the best helicopter and still had the best CAS options as well. Hence the 80%+ winrates the US sat on for months.

You seem to be the only one with that opinion.

That’s fine, but I don’t share it.


Yeah I confused the m1 with the ipm1. Point still stands

fun times
also just sad that was one of the last times U.S had positive w/rs

I don’t think that’s a common opinion.

positive = more than 80?
well OK. I think we need to delete every TT except USA

Iirc the US winrates reached a decent level when they added the SEPv1, mainly due to fotm effect.

I play both the M1A2 and the Leclerc and I think they are fairly similar in performance.

I have much better stats on the Leclerc though because you don’t always get paired with US.

90% of the people playing the US TT at top tier are premium players using the M1A1 Click-bait or AIM.

The Abrams is an above average MBT, if you’re having issues with it it’s a player problem.

If you are having issues with low W/R as a US TT player it’s probably due to premium spam(low skill players and/or 1DL) and the fact that US players tend to go CAS immediately and abandon the map[objectives] to the enemy.

The 1st M1A2 bumped it up as well
but they were short lived since Gaijin would release a top tier event vehicle cratering the w/r again (merk 3d/M60 SLEP iirc)

Most of the time you could fall back to the IPM1 and M1A1 for some seal clubbing.

The IPM1 was on a 78.9% winrate on early/mid 2023 and a 67% winrate in early 2022.
The M1A1 was on a 74.9% winrate in mid 2023 and the M1A2 SEP on a 69.6% winrate in early 2023.

Even now the IPM1 and M1A1 are on a 63% and 61% winrate respectively.


I said this before, the problem currently at top tier is that an average/above average MBT is just not strong enough to deal with braindead easy monsters like the Strv 122s and 2A7s.

I still do fine in my Abrams and I love playing them, but I do face Sweden+Germany very often.

So if team A is filled with above average tanks and team B is filled for at least 50-70% with monster tanks like the Strv 122s/2A7s, whith the remainder being average tanks, it’s no wonder that team A loses far more often. Even if both teams had exactly the same skill levels.

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Do you think teams like this have anything to do with it…



To a somewhat large extend, yes. I’m just saying that even without all the 11.3 premium/squadron tank players the state of US top tier would look similar. Just maybe with a 40-45% winrate instead of 30-35%.

So, 2 advantages. The mobility is only reverse really.
T-90M meanwhile has over double the turret armor and more hull armor.
T-90M has CITV well above its turret roof.
T-90M has safer ammo storage.
And T-90M has a spall liner irrelevant if it’s bugged or not.