USA top tier needs a change

I know this issue gets talked about a lot, but it does need to be addressed. Once you hit 10.7 the issue arises. the m1a2s are worse in every way compared to almost every tank besides speed and firepower but even then, lots of tanks at 11.7 are near the same firepower as the m1s and on the speed side of things yea I may be faster than most tanks but isn’t going to matter when I get killed because my armor is nonexistent. all the 11.7 m1s do not need to be facing t80s and t90s the t90s/t80s are better in every way besides the fact they can’t reverse. this is further proved by the pictures below. there needs to be some sort of BR decompression when it comes to these tanks. the picture below is of the best round the m1s get vs the top tier China MBT. ⬇

619mm of penetration from 500 meters cannot pen nearly anywhere on the tank, besides the lower front plate Aswell as the driver’s port.⬇

Please keep in mind the 3BM60 is a worse round compared to Chinas TopTier round. 567mm of penetration from 500 meters and the whole tank is green in the photo it doesn’t look that way but it’s because of a bug.⬇

And even has I go to the Russian MBT this issue is apparent, so I’m confused why these two tanks are able to face each other. whenever I tend to play russia/china I tend to tank an insane number of shots when playing against USA and the number of times my auto loader gets killed from an m1 shooting my lower plate is insane, but I tend not to care since for some reason I don’t die from it. all of this stuff leads to insanely low win rates for USA. I went from 6.0 China to 11.7 in 2 WEEKS simply because of how much I’ve won in my games while when playing USA something that I got in 2 days playing China takes me 5-10 days of almost nonstop playing to get.⬇

for example, in my m1a1 aim I’ve played nearly 900 matches with a horrendous 33%-win rate, but I do have some things that could help this issue to help players like me enjoy the game more. ⬇

BR changes ⬇

T80 BVM: 11.7 → 12.7
T90M: 11.7 → 12.3
Pantsir-S1: 11.7 → 12.7

Strv 122: 11.7 → 12.7
Strv 122 PLSS: 11.7 → 12.7
Strv 122B: 11.7 → 12.7
Leopard 2 A6: 11.7 → 12.7

Leopard 2 A5: 11.7 → 12.7
Leopard 2 A6: 11.7 → 12.7
Leopard 2 PSO: 11.7 → 12.7
Leopard 2A7V: 11.7 → 12.7

Leopard 2A7HU: 11.7 → 12.7

Wz1001(E) LCT: 11.7 → 12.7
ZTZ 99A: 11.7 → 12.7

Fixes that could be implemented:

Fix pixel angles on the t80s/t90s that cause there to be an absurd amount of pen needed for a drivers hatch shot; this issue is NOT only on the bvm this issue can go all the way back to the object 292 from what I’ve experienced.

DM53 says at an angle of 81 degrees it will bounce and although most of the time it does tend to bounce it still winds of crippling the tank because it still pens the m1.
One last thing I can think of is adding in a newer model of the m1 (m1a2 sep v3) or giving the tanks a DU Hull for balance most people say it’s the neck of and yes it big, but I don’t tend to get shot there much since people know they can shoot Anywhere and kill me.


  1. a lot of players say the issue is the players and I can confirm its not if the issue was the players, you would see Russia start to suffer after the edition of the Т-80U-Е1 even after this got added the win rates are nearing the low 70%

  1. In order for USA to be “balanced” the win rates need to be near 50% not near the low 20% or mid 30%

  2. Im not saying that USA has to be the powerhouse of,air but the only thing going for the USA is air but that only in AIR RB. if you spawn in an f16/f15 or any aircraft for that matter you will get shot down within 30sec because of a Pantsir-S1 unless you hit the deck and risk hitting a mountain/ tree. there is a VERY EASY way to fix this stop making spaa so God Damm cheap if I’m going to spend 900sp to get into an f16 with agms I want to not get shot down by little Timmy with his Cheeto fingers that dies 2 times in his t80bvm just to hop in an AA that CAN SHOOT YOU DOWN FROM UR AIRFIELD on some maps…


Abrams are objectively better than the mbts of Britain, Italy, Israel etc and yet these nations have a higher win rate. Its an issue of US mains not using their vehicles properly.


M1A2 has as much armor as T-80BVM, just swapped hull and turret.

T-90M is superior to T-80BVM by far.
And BVM is slightly inferior to M1A2 due to worse ammo for the same armor.

Win rates are determined by team skill primarily.


That picture is false. M829A2 can easily penetrate the LFP of any Chinese MBT. Even M735 can pen that tanks LFP.

Here’s it vs the BVM


Respectfully, some of these changes really do not make sense, they should really look more like:

T80 BVM: 11.7 → 12.7
T90M: 11.7 → 12.7 (if the spall liners get removed for some reason, 12.3)
Pantsir-S1: 11.7 → 12.7

Strv 122A: 11.7 → 12.3
Strv 122 PLSS: 11.7 → 12.3
Strv 122B: 11.7 → 12.7
Leopard 2 A6: 11.7 → 12.0

Leopard 2 A5: 11.7 → 11.7
Leopard 2 A6: 11.7 → 12.0
Leopard 2 PSO: 11.7 → 12.3?
Leopard 2A7V: 11.7 → 12.7

Leopard 2A7HU: 11.7 → 12.7

Wz1001(E) LCT: 11.7 → 12.0/12.3
ZTZ 99A: 11.7 → 12.0/12.3

There are a lot of other changes that people want for the Abrams and US top tier in general, and this thread isn’t helping the US tech tree’s case.

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I know its just a bug with my protection analysis it happens from time to time.

so 70% of top tier players just don’t know how to use the m1s?

It’s a combination of factors. Team skill, matchmaking, and lineup quality are the main ones that influence winrates.


I was saying 12.7 just as more of a temp thing I do agree with the t90m since it is worse than the bvm.
I don’t agree with the China brs though as those tanks are extremely good especially when facing the USA.

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babe wake up another “muh abrams bad” post dropped!


The M1A2 in game has much, much worse armor than the T-80BVM. You can’t deny that.

And I just commented on another thread (an F-14A/B one) saying I agreed with you on something, bruh.

As a certified Italian Ground player, it is not always that the US teams are bad, moreso that certain nations are just OP at certain BRs and some nations are matched with others more often. I’ve heard tons of people talk about US top tier only getting matched up with minor nations while having to go up against Germany + Sweden + Russia; when only one side of the match have viable SPAA, very good MBTs, and CAS that can outrange all (non-Russian) SPAA, the vehicles do matter. In my own experience (facing 9.0 in uptiers) this is definitely the case, whether or not my team wins at 7.0-9.0 is about 70% dependent on whether or not Russia is on my team.

ur trolling right? have you seen the bvms armor compared the m1s? yes, the bvm has a worse round but the m1 has no armor so it doesn’t matter much… the cheeks of the m1 have a chance of being pend by the bvm even with its “worse round”

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T-80BVM hull and M1A2 turret: Armor.
T-80B turret and M1A2 hull: Paper.

And from my experience turret armor matters more than hull armor:

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For the LAST TIME all the guys that say the bvm is worse than the m1 and its a skill issue. get off ur ass grind to top tier USA play for 1 week and tell me how Ur experience is. msot of the people that are saying this are russian mains that have never played the usa and tried to grind it out like i did.

@M1A1_AIM I see you’re now accusing all Americans of being Russian mains.
Your opinions are all now null and void.
Those that resort to insults, especially false accusations, failed their position.


Leopard 2 PSO: 11.7 → 12.3?

Is PSO seen as some “uber” MBT by the community or what? Its armour is actually worse than 2A5s when it comes to facing the most common threat (APFSDS) because the upper plate doesn’t ricochet KE rounds. It’s also slightly slower and easier to HE. If 2A5 were to stay at 11.7 so should the PSO.


“Those that resort to insults, especially false accusations, failed their position.” I’m not going to insult you bro. “Your opinions are all now null and void.” they arnt many other people agree with me, so I guess that means eveone that speaks on the topic is has an opinion that is null and void. players like you that are able to do well in most if not every tank are rare i’m aiming towards the more cause side of things where people can hop on wt play for two hours and win some games.

Putting the BVM and T90M above any of the 122s is laughable.



@Surbaissemaxxing plays 8 tech trees equal to each other, 9 total.


@Ion_Protogen plays 3 tech trees equal to each other: USA, Germany, France. 7 total.


@Hashbrown19 plays Britain, with USA, Germany, Soviets, and Japan as secondary trees. 5 total.


Then there’s me…
I play all ten tech trees. Where the only disparity is me finishing Israel, Italy, Swedish, and Chinese ground; and the physical limitations of vehicles in each tech tree.

Not a single person that dared to critique your post is a “Russian main”.

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