More than you can spawn.
Pathetic just like your history on the forum 😭😭😭
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I cant speak for or against him, but I can say that the game is becoming horrifically inbalanced between trees and the way to fix it is absolutely laughable.
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LMAO exposed
His K/Ds are fine, pretty much all positive
lmfao the type 90 and the t90m? two of some of the most brain dead tanks to play?
You can disregard the premium/Leo 2 stats, I wasn’t the best player then.
Notice how I included the Challenger 2?
the challenger 2 after the buffs.
Same here, pretty much any german vehicle before the last uear or 2 has pretty tragic K/Ds since those are what I used to learn the game, my Chinese, Israeli, Swedish, Italian and British stats are all pretty good though
Now you’re going to go and say the Challenger 2 is better than the Abrams.
Worst tank at the BR bro 😭🙏
There are players who actually an even bigger liability, I rather have one death leaver than 3 deaths 0 kills leavers, some even managed to score 4 deaths with 1 kill assist lol
I agree. A 1DL’er with 1 kill is infinitely better than a person who gets 3 deaths and nothing, as they’re just feeding your enemy SP.
you can easily look at his tanks that he does " good in " the T80ud amazing another severely under tiered russian premium. or simply look at his 5 most played tanks. Russia has been hand held for years with lower ranked BR tanks. He gets in something like the M1 KVT and gets crushed. FOTM player with FOTM stats. the only thing thats good is the british vehicles.