USA stop being targets practice

a 1 d leaver with 1 kill is virtually useless in a match. someone thats died 3 times has had the enemy fire / given up their position more than once and that also isn’t brining into the account if that person with 0 kills and 3 deaths taken a point, or is using a scout drone. You don’t need a kill to be useful at top tier. Communicating with the team is more valuable than a 0dl 1dl.

Mhm the premiums I bought at level 40.
Crushed you say? I can easily recover these stats to a 2:1.


do it then


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POV: Pantsir radar



both of them 2dl

tumblr_nk5udeoTAw1t9d238o1_500 (2)

I got the HSTV-L rented from Gaijin, don’t have a lineup for it.
If you ask how, I’m a CC.

Can y’all stat check me? I wonder how terrible I am


Extremely bad.


“ech ti suka”

cringe level 100.

Sartt when a CC simply disagrees with him


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Years of it guy

the worst tank at that br is the centauro or the arietes

False, they have better gun, same reload, same optics, better mobility, far better lineup and DM53, the armour is negligible on both and doesn’t make a difference.

The arietes were worse when they had a longer reload and no DM53 but they are equivalent or better now

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the armor on the challenger can atleast survive a hit from 3bm 42. the centauro is a over tiered tank destroyer, i don’t know why you are bringing in reload when they both have the same reload.

I think all the wheel tanks are pretty comparable like type 16 and rooikat in this regard though.

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As a former US main, god I hate the “post flagged” feature lemme see the copium

If we really want to talk about time period differences try: T-80U vs VT4A1

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