post the full doc man, not cropped parts
usa buff when? its been a few years now that usa has been on the downside for tanks and planes
chieftains, falcon and fox lol
Definitely not here lol, the F-16C was the greatest dogfighter in game when introduced (and for a while after). The F-14A broke the game, literally. The Aim-54s were killer (and still are). The A-10s on intro and even now destroyed everyone and ruined a whole BR bracket. So. Would NOT go that far.
Never said I was good guy, anytime we have a discussion about the Abrams you come in and start screaming and make it everybody else in favor of Abrams look bad
The U.S. holds the 3rd best A2A in the game. The EF and Rafale are both better. This is also situational. It hold the 5th place as a nation total(arguably). The Sep does not have more armor than the 7v or Strv.
A veteran is someone who’s fought in a war. The term is only a recent adoption as military members as a whole who served.
That’s why it’s called a Vietnam vet, WW2 vet etc etc.
So no one “got anyone” like the dude below you said. Y’all just don’t know the until recently changed definitions of the words.
Pretty sure you have to be able to do basic math to get in there. Probably a family member or a digitally altered photo.
If this was true, the 2a7v’s and Strv’s wouldn’t be better than an Abrams.
You mean things that share similar mobility, and one that shares similar ammo.
awww are you mad little clickbait one death leave, whiner. Do you want the snail to hold you by your hand, whisper into your ear " its ok , if you only have 1 vehicle, you can always buy the wolfpack " 🤡
go add it to that bingo board.
If that was true, it would be what I mean.
But it’s not, so I don’t.
Dart better than one, mobility better than both.
A worse rank overall.
The hull armor is what makes a Strv the best tank(followed by 2a7v)
Not the worse reload, worse dart, worse thermals and worse mobility of the Strv.
Hull armor, which is only-primarily useful on medium and large maps, is important… on those maps.
On small maps turret armor and mobility is more important. Turret armor is coincidentally best in close and long range engagements, and less useful at medium ranges.
Strv 122 is not the best tank, it’s among the best tanks, it’s an equal, but there is no best tank at 12.0.
Abrams, Strv 122, and the 2A5 - 2A7 series in general sit side by side.
no don’t get me wrong US is one of the strongest trees overall but this guy does nothing but bitch and moan about UK literally everywhere he has a chance.
It’s not even odl you actual clown anytime a civil debate tries to happen you ruin it
oh because those other top tier U.S tanks that you have… oh wait YOU DONT HAVE ANY.
ODL, liability to the entire team, and dont talk about having a " civil debate " you never should have typed my name. Don’t cry about something you started. I don’t even know who you are, let alone ever said anything bad about you.
There’s one on the screen it’s 9.3 I do have a crackhead line up of a10a late merkava mk2B and m1a1CB f14 iriaf and notice how the merkava is closer to 1:1 than the abrams I have only used it in top br games I did that specifically so that I wouldn’t ODL
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The U.K Tech tree has been nerfed by gaijin for years, they actually had the nerve to say that the stormer AD was better than the 2S6
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