USA stop being targets practice

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yo what? I cant even understand whats being said

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What’s being said is simple. The US tech tree is out of date the most modern tank in the tree at 12.0 came out in 2008 the same time George W. Bush was in office but yet it has to go up against Leo seven. And T 90 M’s which came out 2014 and later at 12.0 it should be sep v3 make Since they came out around the same time, its was made to counter to the Leo seven in T 90ms

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5/16, I’ve seen better.



Ahem, another out of douzen of threads like this. The introduction of the M1A2 SepV3 won’t change how the players use the vehicles. If played right, M1A2 Abrams can be a very problem considering it has more armor than the Leopard 2, in par mobility and faster reload. Not to count in air superiority, just behind the Rafale C F3, USA tech tree holds the second best air-to-air aircraft in-game.

god damn


you say out of date when in reality its not, sep v3 is fairly new (2015) irl when you consider that the abrams is like 40 years old as a tank series, btw t90m did not come out in 2014 its an upgrade from a tank put into service in the 90’s

BTW: I’m a us main

The HSTV-L should not be lower, it’s a highly mobile and capable vehicle, the best autocannon in terms of firepower per shot in-game, the lower profile also helps it.

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HOLY MOTHER of cannon fodder.


As an player who started with US tech tree, reached top tier with US tech tree and etc. I can say that you should go play russia, they are way more survivable, have better SPAA, tanks etc.
even TEC talked about the state of US and superiority of russia

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Talks about something in game
Based off a TEC opinion


survivable cause of BS era that affects kinetic rounds


also survivability when I one shot its ammo rack with an m22 :) devious little gremlin

Base off any content creator opnions should be right, since all of them tend to influence people in favor of their own opinion or against someone’s else.


I’ve never seen the Navy use a camo uniform, lol.

I think it’s best you serve your country than complain with no basis about a video game, specially War Thunder when mostly fixing process tend to be burocratic and consumes a lot of time.

(I’m not familiar with US military goings so correct me if I’m wrong)

But how can one be a veteran and be in active service at the same time? Were you in something in afghanistan or something from the 2010s?


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ohhh this is gonna be fun

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