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Skill issue post of the week. 2/10 effort.
When most of your technology stopped by the 80s and were only pushing the same older tanks till this day, the problem is not in-game. The Soviet/Russian thermal imaging devices are actually French. Germany is the last tech tree in need to recieve any new vehicle with spall liner (Leopard 2A7V says by itself), regarding USA, best you can do, if you can, get public information and report as a bug.
They get what they had in real life. Abram’s doesn’t have spall liners and they don’t have third gen thermals.
Yes it does have GEN three thermals and spall lining . half a brain shows how smart you are smh the SEP V3 will never be added to the game gay-jin thinks it will Create too much disparity in the game cycle they like the US to be like a dog shot in the street
I think they make their own since 2016
“It has this stuff cause I say so” that’s not how it works. It just doesn’t have those things.
He’s going to post this and never speak in this thread again 🙄
Cool, story guy
From 1st to 2nd thermals, there is a very big difference. From 2nd to 3rd, it’s not really important. Second gen is fine, and I believe only the SEPv4 got third gen. Maybe some newer SEPv3s as well, but I’m unsure. As for the spall liner, there is conflicting info, but I do think Gaijin should give it a spall liner. We’ve seen that they don’t always do things based on history, even for things that have tons of sources and evidence to prove other wise (Looking at you, Sholef, gutted beyond recognition).
TL;DR Second gen-> third gen, unimportant. M1 should get a spall liner out of balancing.
Keep coping 🙏
they are like that irl sadly, technically gaijin can add FEP package for all the M1A1 model or IMP1 but they aint doing that for sure
If Gaijin adds FEP, it would be as a separate tank, like the the M1A1HC from M1A1. And the what do you mean about the M1IP?
i mean fep also for imp1 but its whatever
As far as I know, FEP was never added to the M1IP. It was only for a few M1A1s already in service with the USMC.
it was added in ukraine war so idk
What are you even talking about? The ones sent to Ukraine were re-fitted M1A1 SAs.
oh well then im talking shite
You will need to submit a bug report with Primary sources that those vehicles had Gen 3 Thermals or Spall liners.