We don’t even know what NGAD looks like and your accusing them of ripping it off. 😭
Stolen tech, maybe, considering recent hacks/ITAR breaches, but I doubt they outright ripped it off
We don’t even know what NGAD looks like and your accusing them of ripping it off. 😭
Stolen tech, maybe, considering recent hacks/ITAR breaches, but I doubt they outright ripped it off
Doubt it and gaijin knew the fact
When R-77 was put into service of Russia Air Force west already use AIM120C-5 and gaijin need lower to 120A/B model
To be fair any post RMP strike eagle could take those flankers and have good chance of winning, odds even more in US favor factoring in EPAWSS but yeah in-game strike eagle would mostly lose to those jets
there are 2 NGAD versions already flying.
I only know that USAF prototype flew 4 years ago, nothing about the USN one
Please, send proof, I have interest in progress of navy one
there was a craft seen on a truck bed near the Helendale radar Cross Section Facility. although im not sure if that was the navys 6th gen or some other 6th gen fighter. Mysterious ‘UFO-like’ aircraft spotted being towed on trailer at US defence base | The US Sun
thats the problem every time they add something new to the u.s it power creeps. people over here asking for the aim 9x , and im like… wtf we dont need more ir missiles or more advanced radar missiles. What we need is electronic warfare and EM jamming pods.
That’s something.
Doesn’t necessarily mean it’s flying but it has been 3 years since then. Could also be a further development of the NGAD prototype that flew 4 years ago since it’s from 2021.
Very interesting find, thanks
ok ? i don’t fly the f-15a or the block 10 anymore anyways llol actually… lol i’ve never even flown the block 10 :D
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Why cannot NATO create fastest serial plane like Mig-31, which was created in 1975?
all airplanes have wings, so does that mean they all copied the Wright brothers? The JF-17 was the first operational fighter to use a DSI intake, so does that mean the F-35 copied the JF-17? Is it strange for China’s NGAD to use a CARET intake? In fact, sixth-generation aircraft have hypersonic requirements, so DSI intakes are not suitable. The three engines are because one of them is a ramjet. Surely you know that air-breathing hypersonic propulsion systems require scramjet engines, right? And YouTube channels are not exactly reliable sources of information.
I’d really love to see the AIM-9X and AIM-120D get beaten up by other countries’ air-to-air missiles like the Meteor, ASRAAM, IRIS-T, PL-15, and PL-17. When that happens, American players will definitely cry on forums, claiming it’s Russian bias.
#1 I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN BY SERIAL , but the X-15 flew to mach 6.7 in 1967 and was a fully rocket propelled plane. Basically it was a F-14 with a rocket booster. I mean anyone can fly fast. it isn’t hard.
so you have video on chinas newly released plane that we don’t?
If it is not so hard, why NATO does not have serial (production) planes like this? Russia has Mig-31.
#1 We don’t need them
#2 The Mig 31 isn’t a threat nor is it important when a missile can blow it out of the sky.
Lol! I see. Fine logic…
When USSR/Russia does not have something - USSR/Russia is behind 50-100 years.
When NATO does not have something - NATO just does not need it, but can easily produce.
Looks like USA did not need first probe on Mars, or any probes on Venus, first satellite, first man is space…
Ok, got it. No more questions to you.
Waiting for news about 6th gen plane that is able to fly in space.
so… american players are going to cry russian bias … because of chinese and nato missiles? lol ???