15C is underpeforms a bit as i remember
Nope, it matches turn rate charts perfectly. It slightly underperforms in acceleration at medium/high altitude. This was already reported as well.Community Bug Reporting System
welp, close enough, but still doesnt match “perfectly”
That test must have been done in a wrong way (strange there are no videos).
Tested it right now at 450kph sea level (mach 0.37). Took 20.73 seconds to do 360 degree turn, which means 17.366 degrees per second.
Manual says 17.4 for mach 0.37. F-15C is dead accurate.
According to you anything USA underperforms lol
Not everything, but in aspects like radar - they do.
Hahaha best told joke of the year XD
wheres can be joke that NTCR, TWS HPFR and other stuff missing from F-15C, E?
Rafale radar is nowhere near close to what it should be. It probably never will, because AESA are lightyears ahead of what we currently have ingame.
EFT radar is completely broken at the moment - in a bad way.
Soviet radars are worse than everyone else due to terrible refresh rate. Gimbal limit is a gimmick that only really helps the HMD.
You cannot be serious saying the F15s radar are underpowered. They’re not as good as the Rafale’s, sure, but NOTHING should be as good as a freaking AESA, even with half its capabilities removed.
Dude, at some point, you need to shut up and play different plane yourself. It’s insanely annoying how you keep coming back to these threads and arguing that planes you have no idea about are better than people with hours of experience flying them.
Theres no sources that states about rafale’s rafar NCTR.
But there is for F-15.
Thats reason why im grinding british tt rn
Is it just me, or has anyone else experienced that out flering RE 27s is much harder than outflering AIM 9L?
While I play the ennemy needs only one drop of flers to notch the AIM 9L, but even thou I use almost 20 flers the RE27 still hits me. Were AIM 9Ls nerfed?
which R-27E - 27ET or 27ER?
like… flares are useless against 27ER, you must notch it and use chaffs
and 9L underperforms, aswell as a lot of other IR missiles in case of flare-resistance
He has decided to play a different plane and switched to red side once F4F ICE got downtiered and once EF-2000 was added to Germany tech tree.
As it turns out…a lot of sim players will just trend towards playing whatever they think is the best plane in the game and then justify it after the fact.
“Aim 9L underpreforms” the most biased comment I’ve heard recently.
I was playing my MiG-23, then played my Tornado IDS. Guess which one had the higher hit rate?
The tornado. Even with 4 less aams, the Aim-9L almost always hit, meanwhile I watched countless R-60Ms chase the enemy plane and straight miss. For no reason. They didn’t flare, they didn’t turn, afterburner still on.
the aim-9L IS VASTLY better on performance over its counter parts, I honestly would rather take it over a R-73…
It actually does interestingly, gaijin struggles to model IR sigs and seekers. I forgot where the doc was, I think @Morvran had it, but IIRC a rear aspect Jag full dumping flares couldn’t decoy a 9L. Every single IR missile, including the Soviet ones, are vastly inferior to their IRL counterparts.
It may also be a balancing choice in gaijin’s end
From the old forums:
Yep, If the Jag was on reheat. Large Calibre flares would do nothing against a rear-aspect fired Aim-9L.
In all other aspects, there was a greater chance of defeat (still pretty small though), but the best course of action would be to throttle down in addition to flares to defeat the AIm-9L.
In game. Ive seen Aim-9Ls go for a single standard flare in rear aspect against something on reheat more times than I care to count. (heck even seen an Aim-9M do that once and Aim-9Ms have basically 0 flare resistance in any aspect other than direct rear)
The issue is IR signatures in game are based upon engine thrust and not exhaust plume temps (or even exhaust locations). Which is why something like the Harrier with a lot of thrust is hotter than the sun but an F-5 with relatively low thrust is the coldest thing in the known universe, even on reheat
Well, I cannot say I trust a single thing Morvaran says to be honest, he likes to cherry pick very often.
A jag full afterburning I can only assume.
In game, the Aim-9Ls are vastly superior compared to the R-60ms though. Pre nerf it was a bit more 1:0.80, but now my hit rates for R-60s are below 45% while my Aim-9L hit rate still floats around 75%
“Aim 9L underpreforms” the most biased comment I’ve heard recently.
Looks like youre thinking about game, but im about irl in compare to game.
Basicly this ^ thing also reffers to F-15 radar, about it “underperfomance”
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In game, the Aim-9Ls are vastly superior compared to the R-60ms though. Pre nerf it was a bit more 1:0.80, but now my hit rates for R-60s are below 45% while my Aim-9L hit rate still floats around 75%
I think you don’t understand the difference between underperforming and being worse than competition. AIM-9L can be the best IR missile at given BRs and underperform at the same time.
I’m not saying AIM-9L is underperforming, since I simply don’t know, but I have noticed you are arguing about something completely different.
I was playing my MiG-23, then played my Tornado IDS. Guess which one had the higher hit rate?
I was also playing MiG-23MLD recently and most of my kills came from R-60Ms. They are a perfectly fine missile.
I honestly would rather take it over a R-73…
Then you’re dumb.