US top tier problem

when i said that the rest are better i mean the list i made before i didnt talk about the challies and the ariete and the merkava(Leo 2a7s strv122s t80bvm leo 2s t90m leclercs tkx) the abrams isnt the worst tank in the game by far the ariete and the merkava go there and the challies have the same issue as the abrams so its in the same spot more or less.

The truth is that the leo 2a7v strv122 should be higher br than the others but that means gaijin needs to add new tanks to other nations , in real life each tank has its advantage and disadvantage , the truth is that abrams for the most part always had the best firepower , dm53 is 2 years older than m829a3 but 7 years newer than m829a2 i think u can understand the m1a2 sep v2 is the newest us abrams and entered service in 2008 and the leo 2a7v entered service in 2021 meanwhile the sep v3 entered service in 2020 , and the fact is that usa is the worst in ground out of the big 3 and most of the times u will face russia and germany at the same time.

May i ask why you stopped playing USA beyond the m1a1 ? u have the m1a2s and barly touched them , even you avoid that lineup and speak of not being a problem … if it isnt a problem play it .

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This is not a good comparison, the Abrams can auto-bounce APFSDS on the UFP and the angle that you are shooting the Abrams at is pretty much impossible to replicate unless you are completely point-blank barrel-stuffing or firing from a hill, in which case the ZTZ99A can also be penned.

Not to mention you can clearly see that ZTZ99A has the much larger gun breech weakspot and a even bigger neck area weakspot (which shouldn’t even exist but we know Gaijin’s questionable modeling).

Note, the LFP weakspot of the Abrams is actually slightly smaller than it seems because the bottom region is sloped at 81-82 degrees, which auto-bounce APFSDS as well.


Mfw when american mains don’t know anything about their own tanks:


T-80BVM is very killable in a hull down position.

Straight up false.

Abrams can very well keep up with the Leo 2 and BVM. Don’t even mention CAS, the USA had the best CAS up until the Su-34 and Rafale came out. Even then the F-15E still hits hard.

For the amount of top tiers you have as well as your experience, your stats are pretty darn bad.

Please stop thinking in terms of historical dates, they’re meaningless figures that don’t have any direct bearing on effectiveness.

The 1990 M1A1 HC currently has superior firepower at a lower BR compared to the 2020 Leopard 2A7V.

Again, dates are irrelevant.

I believe the SEP v3 should’ve been added not because it’s service date is closer to the 2A7V, but because it’s actually closer in performance to the 2A7V.

Similarly, the M1 CATTB is much, MUCH older than the 2A7V yet is arguably superior to it.

In terms of main battle tanks the US is still ahead of Russia.

Leo 2A7V > M1A2 SEP > T-80BVM > T-90M

There’s no point as long as the teammates are so incredibly poor.


Hills benefit T-90M and ALL NATO tanks.
BVM is rather bad on hull-down because all the armor is in the hull, not the turret.

So considering the fact it’s better than T-80BVM, my deduction is telling me that you consider the BVM trash.

and all of you have been known to hate the u.s.a You calling the sep the second best mbt is laughable. the STRV is the best tank in the game, then the LEO 2a7 then the T90M , T80BVM are all better than the Abrams.

Anti U.S trolls like you sit up here and ignore how russia had 80% win rates for 2 year when the T80BVM. The fact that you actually think the abrams are second when they are all carbon copies of the M1A2 with the SAME EXACT PROTECTION, and just different thermals is a joke. The fact you have MULTIPLE people in this thread disagreeing with you should tell you something about how illogical your though processes are.

no one aims for that except people who can’t aim or dont know what the LRF is.

there are people wit a 99% win rate with the strv’s playing this game.

T90m, Strv’s, Leo’s.

Maybe even tkx, type 10. Depending on your play style.

In fact even the leclercs depending on your play style. I’m averaging well in my Strv’s, but just like in my Abrams. After playing in t series and Japan I quickly miss my 360 degree shooting.

Your opinion isn’t the definitive list. His is just as valid as yours, they’re all opinions only the Leo’s and Strv’s are a definitive cut above the rest.

I think bvm, leclerc abrams and tkx are all contemporaries. While the Abrams and tkx have the highest skill ceiling, which can be hard to extract.

T-80BVM > T-90M.
Debate the Abrams here, not stinker Ruski tanks.

Mhm saying the T-90M > Abrams is ridiculous.
Russian WR’s are only boosted by US players just being free food.

T-90M is pretty darn bad. You cannot retreat and your reload is horrid.
TKX/Type 10 can technically be the best MBT’s at top tier, but their skill floor is pretty high.
Otherwise yes, I agree largely with what you’re saying.

BVM’s vastly inferior turret armor [Ariete/Leclerc turret vs Leopard 2A5 turret] makes it worse than Abrams easily, and obviously worse than T-90M.

Claiming T-90M is bad is claiming BVM is unplayable.

In my personal opinion BVM is better than T-90M due to the engine/transmission. Its a tradeoff to get the extra armor.

Then that’s down to preference.
Having the ability to retreat twice as fast in reverse in-case of mistakes is a perfect definition of preference.
I’ll take the double turret armor.
And I’ll take Abrams over both.



LMAO , is bro FOR REAL with the insult. You can’t be going around claiming russian biased this russian biased that and pointing finger at people not agreeing with you and call them Anti US with these result

Not even in the nation you claimed to be OP and strong you have decent Stats , let alone the nation you claiming to be weak

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