US top tier problem

Don’t expect that much empathy in this topic, most of folks here already told you that other nations have worse reload rates (yet better armor schemes and volumetrics) so your complains are invalid and therefore you should blame your teammates, not the tank. Or something along those lines.

I do think the US has a decent margin of improvement to at least help its players to find a more forgiving experience on their Abrams, but it depends on gaijin on adding those improvements, like the M829A3, adding the SEPv3 (DU hull improvement 100% confirmed, APS, no deadweight ERA, etc), but they also won’t do it, as the snail deliberately wants the US being crushed in GRB, like they also want the US to do quite well on ARB for marketing purposes, as they can sell their premiums decently.

Or well, that’s the politically correct answer to the current top tier unbalance*.

*Notice that, although i find the Abrams series underperforming while representing a major nation, they’re by no means bad vehicles, and at top tier they’re solid mid to good depending on the engagement. At 12.0, the Ariete AMV, Challenger 2s, and even Merkavas are worse vehicles, yet the Abrams is slightly far from the Strv122/Leo2A7/T-80BVM/T-90M meta.


Don’t get me wrong click bait is probably best 11.7
But yeah i agreed SepV1 and V2 at 12.0 are not that good
Think of it as click bait with better thermal and citv
Apart from uparmored Leopard and T-80BVM/90M
Not many tanks considered as 12.0 materiel compare to those
But if talking about premium sell on ground US probably one of the best sold vehicles too probably out sell Sweden too yet Sweden still hold
“Best MBT line up” even better than Germany (German got only single uparmored Leopard with spall liner Sweden jump straight have three of them)


No one is asking for empathy here. I am asking for a matchmaking based on experience and people that have full line ups.
Abrams post (come help the abrams) is old. Thousands of post about it, thousands of documents have being given already. All rejected because gaijin feels like is a good enough tank. I already know nothing is going to change with the Abrams.
It’s always the same retarded comment: Ariete, Challengers, Merkavas.
When you click that search match you will see that no more than 3-5 people play those NATIONS (for a reason)
The balance of the game is dictated by the 3 main Nations like it or not (those the play minors nations)
Those nations are USA1, USSR2 and Germany3… THAT"S IT
US always plays against USSR and Germnay why is it so hard for people to get this over their head?
Without enough US players basically you wouldnt have a game.
There wouldnt be enough people for you to club are with the leo7s, t90s ridiculous non spalling armor, and STRVS. Come on man. Feels sometimes like I come here to argue with kids. The lack of logic and commonsense is out the window.

I genuinely tried to begin an educated conversation, as i agreed to your points and made a particular point about empathy in this place (exclusively because you can tell how some people here just blatantly hates the US instead of focusing on the vehicles pros and cons), but your last paragraph tells me you’re not necessarily the most willing person to have a polite chat with someone that even agrees with you.

Keep enjoying your winrates and teammates, you won’t get that far on this endeavor going on the defensive with everyone.

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BVM isn’t even top 10, it’s competitive just not meta. Placing it as number 2 is hilarious fanaticism, and I hope you just had a lapse in judgement.

Abrams is a top three MBT despite its issues.
Learn tactics, do well, and give advice in-game if you want teams to learn slightly faster.

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BVM is very map dependent. If you get a hilly map it is almost the worst, and if you get a city map it is decent. And if you’re talking about every single MBT individually, then obviously it will be horrid.
By individually I mean:
Strv 122B PLSS
Strv 122B+
Leopard 2A7V
Strv 122A


122s definitely aren’t better than 2A7Vs.

they have the well modelled armour, german leopards (and the HU by extension) do not.
they have the same mobility as early leopards whereas the 2A7s have a butchered transmission
they have 3 of them compared to 1 2A7V and 1 2A7HU
they have extra composite which is more useful that the NERA on the PSO
they have less pen for more spall

They definitely are better than the 2A7 unless you rely on 3rd gen thermals


USA team?
Absolutely terrible, clickbait/kvt/wolfpack absolutely demolish us top tier, 50% chance of you getting match up with level 10-25 with premium with their best tank being the cobra king
and the other 40% over extened, push spawn and die and lose the entire game only 10% chance of winning

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makes any match with america miserable I agree

2A7Vs have pretty similar frontal armor to 122s.

Has no impact on comparison between tanks lol.

PSO isn’t 2A7V.

Source ?

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in theory yes, but in practice there are a lot of armour holes and buggy volumetric mess on the front of the 2A7, you can confidently bounce way more shots in 122s than a 2A7 as of current patch

I’ve had some extremely frustrating matches full of premiums and idiots up at top tier, personally i want a divide between max br and premiums so they can’t ruin the matchmaker and i can play against other equally skilled top tier players with lineups

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I’m still waiting for the source on the spall claim.

M322 (aka M/95) has in my experienced 1-shotted opponents far more than DM53, besides 590mm of pen is plenty for one click killing everything but other 122s and 2A7s

I really want gaijin to divide low levels or limit the premium buying stuff
or just do something about it cuz my winrate is 0

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That’s just your personal experience, not evidence.
L/55 DM53 will spall more due to higher pen and round itself will go through UFPs of tanks with K5 ERA, which can’t be said for the Swedish round.

This alongside better thermals definitely outweigh the slight armor difference.

The only possible way to win.

Personally, I think abrams is good, only thing is that garbage turret ring weakspot