US Helicopters

sure, but by the time they get close enough to use guns they will be extremely vulnerable

But if you can first spawn it as a cheap CAP, then it would likely see little resistance, unless people run auto cannon’d tanks. Which as far as I’ve ever seen, most people get in mbts first, or things with a big caliber gun.

it would get within .50 cal range at that point, and im sure ppl do run autocannon tanks.

the stuff it can actually kill with the SAPHEI can generally counter it anyways, LT and ofc SPAA can kill aircraft

Depend but its 50/50
If russia match up with us team then its a 30/70 rate because of usa top tier prem
Just like how top tier russia turm ud/ud-e1 are poupular
winrate is rng, you could be a very skills veteran and experience player that can read other team move but ur team is extremely shit so u either go next to not waste ur time or sweat ur ass off to win
winrate doesnt matter, knowing if ur team is bunch of lv7-20 matter

Only because they get a LOT of top tier matches paired with USA now which artificially bring down their win rates. This didn’t used to happen. It has boosted USA win rates some and hurt Russia’s. It’s not rocket science, and it’s easily observable.

So you’re claiming that people playing USA are bad at the game… and that people who play Soviets are extremely skilled at the game.

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Gaijin already show itself many times that they don’t mind to make it unrealistic for balance reasons
They just don’t want to.

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indeed they dont want to make it unrealistic here.

no they are not, gaijin doesn’t care to properly model hellfires. Why would you even think this in the first place when the current in-game hellfires aren’t even modeled correctly?

Lofting largely broke when they fixed guidance against helicopters in 2019.
There’s likely an underlying issue that hasn’t been found to the point of being patched “today”.

Don’t hellfire also have a direct fire mode irl, which they could have just implemented instead?

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It’s automatic based on ranging data IRL if I remember correctly.

Might want to add that the 2s38 is better vs aircraft and has a far better fire rate.

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And not relevant since 2S38 is not 9.3 or below.

You literally say that the 2s38 is inferior to the hstvl in all ways except thermal generation. This is incorrect. Do I need to explain this to you or not?

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the gunner is able to choose the firing mode themselves, atleast in 64d

i have a feeling the hstvl vs 2s38 argument should go into another post

There isn’t any argument about which is ultimately better. I am simply correcting him on some pretty crucial things he left out.

then its better to “correct” him in dms

For you maybe. If he feels fine with posting incorrect information outside DM’s I feel absolutely comfortable correcting them there. Please feel free to correct him in DM’s if you so wish, but don’t think to tell me what is proper etiquette or not. I am not you not the other way around.

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this is us helicopters thread.