US Helicopters

Why doesn’t the US Apache get its Fire and Forget Missiles?


Because then it wouldn’t be one of WT worst helis, which Gajin is against.


Yeah it doesnt fit the devs propaganda lol


I’m fairly sure it’s because they can’t be spoofed by smoke.

Do you really think WT is used to show that the US sucks? Because that’s far from true.


Same reason 40mm proxy ammo isn’t available for WW2 SPAA on allied vehicles: it would wreck the balance.

Hellfire L’s are radar guided and can ignore smoke. You could frag an entire team with them without any real effort.

Well its more effort than what Russian players have to put in to have an 70% winrate lol

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At no br does russia have a 70% winrate.


Because AH-64A/D doesn’t use FnF missiles except Longbow Hellifire which is haram. AH-64E can potentially use Spikes.


It is a long and extremely annoying problem which could be resolved if Gaijin was a little willing to be flexible. Would be simple enough to add AGM-114Ls but with placeholder IR seekers for now, or make it so that MMW was just blocked by smoke (which isnt all that in-accurate)

Either way, Both Britain and the US are kinda screwed by the lack of FnF AGMs on the Apache.

Alternatively, Add the AH-64E with Spikes for the US and Wildcat with Martlets for Britain


Its ridiculously high especially top tier well over 50% at top tier

Dev’s propaganda that USA makes the best radar F&F missiles? That’s just reality.

AH-64E can come with SPIKE ER fire and forget missiles for USA.

And now you’re bragging how skilled Soviet players allegedly are. lol

Not sure why your posts are defending the Soviets.

Thats actually a good idea!!


It has a 58% winrate at top tier… That is not ridiculously high. Literally every other nation except america has a higher winrate than russia at top tier.


Why is that? Plenty of proof of blatant bias lol

Then why dont we have the FnF missiles?

Because russia is average.



Cause AH-64E isn’t in War Thunder.

On top of that, fixed wing CAS is better than all helicopters in the game.

Horrible idea. No more fake nerfs because someone wants to beg for newer weapons.

Everywhere. Bug reports on Russian vehicles are ignored. An example would be proof that the BVMs ufp had an added 250mm of protection which it doesnt have.

Russia has newer weapons? Why not everyone else lol Su34 is from 2014, BVM is from 2018 2S38 was a prototype from 2020