Updated War Thunder forum

I just realised that there are no sub-categories anymore and they’ve been replaced with Tags of all things.
Thats definitely not EXTREMELY CONFUSING and 99% of people will miss it, no clearly not. The trust system is also complete garbage and INCREDIBLY UNNECESSARY.

either fix this forum or revert back to the previous one immediately. we had a nice and big forum which was easy enough to navigate. now we have this which is not only empty because you refuse to migrate the posts and comments yourself but also harder to navigate which is apparently the opposite of what you were trying to do.


so we have to wait 2 years before we can use the real foum?
Thats fine with me. The old one was sometimes hard to navigate with too many topics, but this…until there is a light mode where I can see it, I think I’ll just not post anything else, or else just go to Reddit with the Whiners( since I’m one now apparently)

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progress locking an edit button of all things…ARE YOU MAD?

this is horrible, have you ever made a post longer then a twitter post in your life?
just wow, how out of touch with not only your community but with gaming as a whole can you be, forums are the lifeline of games, not only for accumulating bugs and player impressions but for the community to help each other out.

fire whoever is responsible for this mess because they CLEARLY dont have a clue about their job, holy moly…


Honestly ?
I think this time ( ha !! ) it is only about money, not censorship !!

I myself confused about the first part of my sentence but it still kinda of makes sense;

What about all our posts? And community polls and such? Do we need to make them all again from scratch??? Have things been moved across?

This is the absolute worst change the forum has ever had, i’m not joking, this is awful. And a lot of content is gone as well


But it expires if you don’t use the forums like it’s your job from the looks of things.

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Grinding in the game was not enough. We must do the Forum Grind now too lol

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I’ve been on the forums since December of 2013, sad to see the old one go. Especially when its being replaced by this weird overdesigned and reshuffled new forum. I get you’re going for consistency with the official website but man it would’ve been better to just give the old forum a fresh coat of paint than to throw EVERYTHING out and start on a clean slate. The old forum certainly looked dated but aside from that had lots of great functionality and could’ve just used a bit of TLC instead of deleting it in favor of this. I’m being a bit of a boomer here but thats how I see it, its mostly change for the sake of change.


Also two more things. Couldn’t find the edit button so had to throw in this extra reply lol, and also I at least hope if we have to go through with this change we get migration of some of our forum stats and whatnot from the old site, since, well, some of us have been here since essentially the very beginning and would like to see that reflected on our new forum profiles


you are not a boomer, the new forum system is garbage, you need to level up your forum account to even be able to edit your posts.

this is trash.


Not bad as an idea.
But i think it needs to have more detailed subcategories , it is a little messy as it is now.
The thing i don’t like is there is no paging. For example , under this topic you see 433 posts in a line.
Too much for the eye as it feels like a continuous wall of text and many people won’t like it.
Old format was tidier …
I was searching the edit button, until i read those 2 previous than mine posts. That’s a bad thing as well.
What they mean level up your forum account?

this forum is now running on the horrible discourse system:

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I would’ve liked a bit of notice before the forum migrated to a totally different code.

Also the trust level system sounds like it could be a bit abusable.

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Oh , thanks for the info!
I play and use the forums 10 years and always when i’m playing i’m using premium account …
They don’t trust me ? :D
Well, as i read you just need to actually use the forum and do things for some time… Yet, i believe the edit should be open from entry level for 1 simple reason.
Not all of us have mother language English …
As one of them, even if i can communicate well enough (i work as front desk agent in the main touristic area of Athens) , many times i edit my posts for various things such as adding information or even grammatical error.
Edit button is a must! For convenience reasons…


So it’s going to be read-only for 2 years…and then all that content will be deleted. All so that Gaijin can switch to this hideous abomination of a new forum design?

Do they hate their customers, or do they like slapping themselves in the face. What a shock to find the old forums suddenly gone without warning. I believe they are in self destruct mode, clearly trying to annoy the players and, well actually succeeding! And the ability to edit your post being non existant if you make a typo, is unbelievable as well. Clearly the vast majority if not everyone, disagree with this crazy change. [inset emoji with hands up in disbelief]

Literally the worst forum update I’ve ever experienced. Usability is bad, formatting is bad, functionality is bad… there is nothing good about this update. Thanks for making the community feel so completely unimportant. It’s like Gaijin didn’t learn a single thing from Recent Events. smh


I think the new forums look much better

Its insane… just look at the tags already in use: they already use double tags like China and cn, or Germany and ger, so you would need to choose both of them or you will miss topics. Instead of making it easier, you made it actually harder, as before you hat clear subforums - which you knew exactly where the were located. Now you have to look for tag - a as more tags will be added over time, you will have to choose more of them just too look up same thing you could by choosing right subforum before.