Updated War Thunder forum

All my posts WILL BE GONE?!
(yea they might be insignificant to others but I liked to post them and appreciated the interactions)
I want to cuss … but who cares ?

you cant post there anymore, thats just a problem

Nah the problem is that Gaijin and the Forum Devs in their infinite wisdom moved everyone to this new service without FINISHING it.


my honest reaction


What about our “medals” for tech trees? I suppose since Discourse doesn’t have signatures out of the box and Gaijin need to implement new custom plugin for that, they are gone for good too?

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ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? WHO PUT THE “DELETE” BUTTON IN THE SAME SPOT WHERE YOU PULL UP THOSE ADDITIONAL POST OPTIONS, SO THAT WITH AN ACCIDENTAL DOUBLE-CLICK YOU IMMEDIATELY DELETE YOUR POST??? I just deleted my expansive first post and even though there is supposedly a retrieve button it did nothing and said Error!

To sum up, the previous things said from memory with things expanded:

  1. Danger of losing 10-11 years of extensive community effort, esp. in the area of suggestions and collection of real world research, and yes, WT due to its core principle of trying to use real world sources has, sometimes controversially (i.e. leaks), lead to interesting finds of real world history.
  2. Old and new forum have about the same width, which means wasting space left and right on a PC with widescreen, though on the new forum the menu bar on the left is now constantly there, reducing the width more compared to old forum.
  3. Less organized than old forum with jumbled up topics now, compared to the at times extensive cluttered, but overall much more easily to navigate old forum.
  4. Topics are now one massive string of posts, with the old forum you always had a break due to pages, making it more digestible to read and allow easier to take a break before going to a new page. Also, pages helped to somewhat know where a certain post was if you wanted to temporarily go somewhere else before returning to that page.
    5a. Further reduction of identifying users, and even worse Mods, as we still have the super-dumb avatar change (with them now being even smaller than before), no more signatures, and Mod posts now lost their unique post-background to quickly identify them in the mess of unidentifiable posts thanks to all those super-dumb changes regarding avatars, signatures, etc.
    5b. Also, now our hard (in many cases through hard CASH!!!) earned forum badges are no longer visible in the forum posts, but hidden in the useless, rarely visited profile pages.
  5. lol, the numbered list function isn’t working… this list was done by manually typing 1., 2., 3., etc. because the build in function didn’t work 😂
  6. Not a major loss, but still was a bit of a unique touch to the forum… the Gaijin/WT specific emojis. 😥

Only positive I see right now is a proper dark mode, and… idk, maybe a few modern options… somewhere… hidden in this mess.

Best regards,

---------------- Manual signature until those and profile pics are returned ----------------
Bring back forum profile pictures and signatures!

My complete tech trees (incl. all special vehicles) spreadsheet is updated to match 2.23 (only accurate atm for list & status of vehicles): War Thunder Tech Trees 2.31 (V15.00 temp - does not have all the last econ changes) - Google Spreadsheets Contains probably all vehicles WT has published.


First avatars and signatures, and now this?
It’s hard to look at and navigate this forum.
It’s time to abandon ship until this is restored.
You should listen to the criticism and the voice of the players!


Jesus this is stinky, old forum was significantly more user friendly and easier to navigate. Seriously consider reverting the changes.


They must really hate us or they don’t care what we think at all.


While the “old” Forum may have had some issues, it wasn’t terrible . . . to me anyway. I read stuff on there every day, to keep up & try to stay informed, but this . . . . geez man . . I dunno . . . seems like a very hard push to accomplish what exactly? Burying everything on the old Forum, and now I guess we have to go back & forth between the two for I don’t know how long . . . and just a choice to “like” a post and no other option??? what is that . . . . if anything we may have needed more “reactions” than what we had, not . . . ONE. At any rate, I like the Dark Theme, as I use it on everything anyway, so that is a plus . . . but as for everything else . . . I have to go thumbs down. I just have a hard time understanding the radical changes put forth to the Forum, as well as things added to the game that I have seen no one ask for, and the player base/users were never asked or consulted about . . . that has been a growing trend for a while now. I understand it is Gaijin’s game/Forum and they can do as they please, also that people need to do things to show their value as an employee/hooman bean, but . . . changing things just to change them . . . I dunno . . . “tradition” has more value than many give it. You would think that after the recent “blow-up” from the players, Gaijin would think twice about making stark and vast changes all at once like this, but . . . I guess not . . . . Devs gonna dev . . . . . lol
It could be worse . . . but all this recent “discomfort” between players & the game just shows me a growing “disconnect” between the two, when . . . in my humble opinion, both sides should be working very hard at this point, to lessen this and try to strengthen the bonds of communication and work diligently to make the game . . . better . . . for all.
But that’s just me
8 )


Really feeling bad for ya, bud

Can you give us an option to switch to the light theme? Just like the old forum.

Or better yet be able to use the old forums if people don’t want to use this thing


This is really bad news for people making suggestions about vehicles. This is so sad that people have to repost thousands of suggested vehicles again in this new forum.


“We are PLEASED to welcome you to the updated official War Thunder forum!”

Thats the funniest thing ive read all day.


Please bring back the old Forum, this one is awful


@Stona_WT Most are saying they don’t like this. So can you unlock the old forums please


Another totally unnecessary change. And seems like gaijin really loves doing things without any warning. Just bring the old forum(and avatar) back and everything will be alright.


Most also said that they didn’t like when they removed the custom profile pictures and signatures… and they did absolutely nothing.

So I really doubt they care.

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Oh they will when the review bombing happen again.
