Updated War Thunder forum

Really feeling bad for ya, bud

Can you give us an option to switch to the light theme? Just like the old forum.

Or better yet be able to use the old forums if people don’t want to use this thing


This is really bad news for people making suggestions about vehicles. This is so sad that people have to repost thousands of suggested vehicles again in this new forum.


“We are PLEASED to welcome you to the updated official War Thunder forum!”

Thats the funniest thing ive read all day.


Please bring back the old Forum, this one is awful


@Stona_WT Most are saying they don’t like this. So can you unlock the old forums please


Another totally unnecessary change. And seems like gaijin really loves doing things without any warning. Just bring the old forum(and avatar) back and everything will be alright.


Most also said that they didn’t like when they removed the custom profile pictures and signatures… and they did absolutely nothing.

So I really doubt they care.

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Oh they will when the review bombing happen again.



You know a funny thing?
If you google obscure vehicles, one of the only places you get proper info about them is the “old” WT forum. User’s curated suggestion pages.
Google still places the old forum’s links as one of the most relevant results in those cases.
I mean … smh

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well i can so far only see one positive… dark mode…

but let’s see… also i don’t need to have [;ayed in the last week apparently as I can now post when before I couldn’t.

hmm can’t edit a previous post…


Just no. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the “old” forums. I cannot see ANYTHING that this “new” forum improves over the “old” one. And on top of that, ALL old discussions are just LOCKED? Reduced to ashes? Just like that? A BIG GIGANTIC NO NO NO.

This all seems VERY work in progress. Such a thing should never be suddenly forced upon everybody with no backwards compatibility at all. At the very least, let us use the old forum freely, with an option to try the beta test version of the new forum, until ALL the discussions and contents and functionalities of the old forum have been ported over.

You had it going good with the roadmap, but now you have to ruin it with this…


Dis is not da wae.


the update of the forum is zero, where are the discussions on the next update to come and other? why did you change something that works well for this filth you laid?

I like it . Just got to get used to the changes.

Hey. Seems like a lot of options don’t work yet.

No forum badges ( I worked hard earning those)

Can’t edit posts.

Can’t insert pictures into “About Me” Even though there is a button for it.

I hope that many of the articles and discussions that were previously held will be recovered.

I can’t believe this.

It looks like that gaijin never heard of “Change Management” and the essential need of involving affected parties within the change process in order to convince all of the advantages of upcoming changes - so before they happen - and not afterwards.

So far i was unable to identify any advantage for me.

If we assume a forum is there to help and support other players and offering a platform for discussions, debates or plain exchanges it makes no sense to start from scratch with a new forum without existing content of the “old world” as nobody wants to repeat himself in infinite loops.

Seeing this forum as a direct feedback channel i am just very disappointed.

I read over the years hundreds of high quality posts with outstanding analysis of the game, extremely helpful guides, extraordinary well researched suggestions and had fruitful discussions with really passionate players.

Basically this is all history now - another way to discourage players with passion to provide honest feedback in order to improve the game - and to suppress opinions not in-line with the official view on things.

RIP WT Forum