Updated Rewardsystem for Air RB

In my opinion the reward system in Air RB should be updated, for example that you get an reward for missile evaded or if an enemy close to you or that you are chasing is crashing, atleast if you have an missile lock on him or you are a certan time close to him (dogfight). Same could also work for Ground battles so if you start a missile on an enemy you get the kill also if he leaves the tank before your missile hits him. and on the otherhand if a plane chrahes directly after bomb release the kill counts for the killed tank

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your reward is not dying


Nah… One fun part of the game is that there’s no maneuver kills, so players don’t have to give the reward to the OP vehicles.

sounds like a skill issue XD

More like a sore loser.


Ah yes, participation rewards.
Boomers pushed that onto me and I hated it.
I hate it still.

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Proper BVR is fighting msls without much dying on both sides. Hilarious to oppose less uncivilized kills/exchanges & more actual a2a. Now not dying even increase repair & get you a dead team lmfao.

Passive Behavior 1/1 XD

Can’t handle losing, don’t bother playing.

But you also can’t get credit for maneuver killing OP planes. Bit of a shame innit?

So your the one that is piloting bots ingame?

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you do realize that if you shoot a missile in a position in bvr where the enemy has chance to notch it then that can happen. dont complain about it and go realize that no risk means no reward.