Updated List Of Tanks Around 7.7 BR That Need A Reload Buff To Become Competitive again

If you only do good on certain maps you don’t avg 3-6 K/M. Do you know what average means?

I also face so many cheaters at top tier it’s not even funny.

It’s not only you we all face the same enemies.

It looks like he doesn’t even play any of those 7.7 heavy tanks, a person can’t talk about something he has no experience with.

a person can’t talk about something he has no experience with.

Worst thing is most people on the forum are long term players that have multiple 7.7s unlocked and could play them but don’t because they know these tanks suck and they don’t want to admit that.

Yes, but also some people play on different and multiple servers.

I have recently averaged 3-6 kills in a good match.

I have recently averaged 3-6 kills in a good match.

You went from having a 3-6 avg to a 3-6 recent avg to now having a 3-6 in one game. Bruh.

Yes, but also some people play on different and multiple servers.

As long as your match isn’t full of Chinese names the likelihood of encountering one is pretty low.

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“motivated” loader

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That is my usual ops. Also, that kinda sounds like a political and racist jab. I didn’t say one match I said recent matches, as the most recent playtime with the T-80U, in my average match that I don’t 1dl, or on amp I don’t like.

Also, that kinda sounds like a political and racist jab.

Ever since Chinese started to play on western servers the cheating problem got so much worse. Observing this isn’t racist at all.

I didn’t say one match I said recent matches, as the most recent playtime with the T-80U, in my average match that I don’t 1dl, or on amp I don’t like.

You made a wrong claim then changed your statement 3 times until it finally fits. You still don’t know what average means.

Yes, I very much do know what average means. I could make a haha funny joke here but I won’t.

Simple man’s terms averaging is as goes:

(10+5=15) (total of numbers added together) (15/2=7.5)

So yes, I understand averages. Generational bad luck ruins my fun in most games, however the recent event has been a fun break.

I 100% agree with you, but other will not, and take it in a racist light, just trying to make sure others don’t see it that way.

So yes, I understand averages. Generational bad luck ruins my fun in most games, however the recent event has been a fun break.

I still think average K/D is only worth anything if it’s over a longer time period.

Do I have an average K/D of 9 just because it was the case in my last match?

I 100% agree with you, but other will not, and take it in a racist light, just trying to make sure others don’t see it that way.

Yeah unfortunatly there are still people denying this but since the banwave last year it’s been clear where most of the cheaters come from. Last few years have been very unfun but definitly interesting to see what normal chinese players had to endure on a daily basis.

Well, no, unless that was your first match in the aircraft, and also in that case, you’d have broken the scale, as you didn’t die. So it would be a 0/9 KDR (if it was your first match), but no, obviously not. I just meant that, in recent games, when using the design of the tank I usually get more kills.

Still your recent KD wasn’t much different than your overall KD. I can show you an example of that actually being the case.

Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 23-57-05 AverageWehraboo_ _ War Thunder player statistics

My all time KD is 1.5 yet my recent KD is 3.0.

Your most recent KD was almost the same as your all time KD.

My battling is a 1/3 ratio, for every 1 game, I get 3 bad ones. I die off spawn from a lucky shot, server lagging, or silent engines. Not to mention that the cheating issue at top tier is unbearable.

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So I get to say I have a 10 KD in the IS-4M because of uptiers and CAS deaths? For each good match I get two bad ones with 0 options for counterplay.

That quote about War Thunder Metas shifting to faster paces is correct. It’s also a bad thing. WW2 heavies should be slow and deliberate. We have top tier for fast-paced action a lot of people want, lets not mess with the WW2 bracket. Personally I think certain tanks should have their reload increased if it’s realistic to say so. My nomination would be the King Tigers, I highly doubt that the long 88 took longer to reload than the Long 75.

I’d rather have them increase the BR to 7.0 if some of the cancer vehicles get moved up. The good gun paired with the good reload is what sets it apart from other 6.7 heavies. Some of the other 6.7s could also see a BR increase as they are still tough to crack in an uptier. The same cannot be said about the 7.7 heavy tanks.

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I’d agree with moving the H model specifically up to 7.0 if it weren’t for the compression of ATGM and HEAT. That being said there are a lot of Vietnam era heat slingers like the Ontos and Scorpion and an ATGM launcher of the Ratel 20 all at 6.7 making the armour meta useless

Yes those lights need to be addressed. Some of the HEAT users are fine like the Jpz4-5 or the AMX thing but most aren’t and destroy the meta at 6.0-7.7.

How about Maus to 11.3 ,Tiger II (H/P) to 9.0,Ferdinand to 8.0

When will you people stop trying to cheat in every match by loading odds in your favour ?

What’s your point?