Updated List Of Tanks Around 7.7 BR That Need A Reload Buff To Become Competitive again

My point is that Heavies at 6.7/7.0/7.7 are where they should be ,it is others that should be moved up ,like that Israeli M 51 with 400 pen or missile slingers.

M-51 is fine lol, its just a unstabilazed sherman with a decent gun. Most of the early missile slingers are just bad, especially that one isreali one at 6.7

US 7.3 – 7.7 Is completely skippable because you get tossed in a post WW2 tank to cold war era tanks which are fast and have superior ammo. After spending a week on that level I returned to 6.7 and jumped straight to 8.3 which is a totally different beast. Anything that will boost the US BR at 7.3. – 7.7 sounds good and totally fair.

All 7.7 heavies except the SM are trash in the current meta. The 6.7s can be viable in an uptier but the 7.7s can’t do shit against more advanced tanks.

No. The 6.7s are pretty strong currently but the 7.3/7.7 are terrible. 6.3/6.7 can dominate in a downtier while 7.3/7.7 still have to play like they don’t have armor at their own BR.

Yeah I know. 6.7 is fine M26E5 is a total beast for example

The Tiger IIs should have their RoF lowered. They are already unrealistc high.

Originally Gaijin said that RoF was based on average RoF for depleting all rounds in a vehicle while the Tiger IIs have like the best possible performance of 7.5s for 22 shells despite half of them being not ideal to load for the loader.

Those are 1.16m long shells weighing 22kg and the loading procedure includes throwing the empty case out of the turret before loading the next round, which are securely clipped in place.

If a Tiger II can reload in 7.5s then a 76mm Sherman should be able to do it in 3s for their ready rack.

So if the Tiger IIs are too good for 6.7 they should have their reload adjusted.


If the KT stays at 6.7 the reload could be increased to 10s aced.

Not comparable. A 3s reload would make mowt tanks op. For non autocannon vehicles there should be some reaction time if the enmy misses their shot.

I think the T32 and the M26E1 need buff the reload time, considering the gun performance, buff to 10s is fine, 15s reload time is pretty painful, consider the tiger 2 and panther 2’s reload time.

If the T32 got the 14s-11s reload the M26E1 has it would be fine.

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I disagree. Its entire frontal weakspot is the turret, which means that Russian tanks insta-kill it at closer ranges due to overpressure, APDS often sets off the ammo in the turret, and it is also by far the easiest heavy tank to kill at it’s BR. It is a very good tank, but a 10-second reload at the shortest would make it not fun to play.

The turret front is a volumetric mess and absorbs 122mm shells easily.


Considering the best actual heavy 6.7 gets a 7.5 second reload(t26e5) then I think the tiger2h with its large frontal weak spot that stores ammo will be fine with its current reload.

Not at all. It is the least volumetric-y tank at its BR. I have gotten killed many times by 122mm and 100mm cannons at closer ranges.

And yes, having a massive ammo rack that can be shot at and damaged at nearly all angles means it is very easy to kill. APDS and powerful APHE can detonate it frontally, and anything else can hit its ammo rack.

The T26E5 is better in cqc, and medium range combat, but the Tiger II H is better at ranges above 800m.

King Tiger is already by far the best tank at 6.7, amazing gun, great reload for the caliber and compared to other heavies, excellent armor, good mobility, good reverse

For those saying T26E5, I would say it’s second best because the gun is awful in an uptier and you have the large mg weak spot.

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