Updated List Of Tanks Around 7.7 BR That Need A Reload Buff To Become Competitive again

they reccomended buffing tanks they play a lot

I recommended buffing almost all the 7.7 for the sake of neutrality. As you can see I don’t play british yet I can see they suffer the same problem the other nations face as well.

The only tank I play a lot out of those nowadays is the T32E1.

I don’t think they have accounted for how insanely heavy the shells are either

Read the post. Balance is more important than realism.

The 90mm gun gets a decent APDS that can front pen the Strv 103, the menace at this BR range. The 122mm isn’t bad; but it is large, and has decent damage.

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I do flank in heavy tanks if the map allows for it that’s why I can even enjoy the 7.7 despite being in a bad state right now.

if you dont think the game is balanced for the most part I don’t think you’ve learnt how to counter anything you may come across, this game isn’t rock paper scissors

The 90mm gun gets a decent APDS that can front pen the Strv 103

Is this a joke? The 90mm gets APCR that hates angles.

The 122mm isn’t bad; but it is large, and has decent damage.

Get’s caught on volumetric armor and ends up dealing 0 damage all the time.

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7.7 really isnt in a bad state. its the most liked BR for all the guys I normally play with, Italian mains, soviet mains and even a german main doesn’t think its bad.

Doesn’t seem that way when I play this range, and maybe I’m thinking of the German 90mm that has APDS, M48A3G1 I think.

if you dont think the game is balanced for the most part I don’t think you’ve learnt how to counter anything

Like 90% of the playerbase thinks the game isn’t balanced.

The M48 (in all trees that have it) has a whole different gun. They get HEAT and a reload thats half as long. The M103 doesn’t have the same gun as the Abrams just because it’s also a 120mm.

I never said that, I said the German Patton used a 90mm gun, the same as in the American M48, modified to their ammo needs. Just as the German M41 WB has the same gun as the American M41WB, but has different ammo.

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8.3? you mean 8.0… and that would have to be with both apds and hesh fixed.

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the war thunder community complains a lot over generally small things or when something challenges the current meta (fox at 7.0 throwing the armour meta in everyone’s face and Vidar + m109 showing a big HE doesn’t care about your MBT or zsu 57 being better at anti-tank than anti air) you have to learn what you face before asking for your stuff to be more powerful so you don’t have to change how you play

the vidars a bad example to use, it was op when it was added and can still be argued its at too of a low br still.


You said this:

As a reply to this:

The M48 has a version of the short 90mm and that wasn’t mentioned in the post about reload.

Correct, yet you brought it up, and said:

And I specified to you how, not to mention the 90mm gets HEAT/HEAT-FS, not APDS (was thinking of the later version of the Patton as that’s what I regularly face), which the 90mm still smashed the Strv 103 (-0 and A version) at its BR. I don’t really see what point your trying to push, because the buff isn’t needed, you just want your Freedom and Communist machines to be the most OP tank on the block.

No I don’t want a tank with a full stab being able to lolpen tanks 0.3 BR lower everywhere while itself only having its LFP as a weakspot. That’s like saying the M4A3E2/76 is fine 0.3 below the Tiger 2H because it can pen the turret with APCR.

And I specified to you how, not to mention the 90mm gets HEAT/HEAT-FS, not APDS (was thinking of the later version of the Patton as that’s what I regularly face)

I know but those aren’t mentioned in the post. It was specifically about the gun of the T32/T32E1 at 7.3/7.7.

you just want your Freedom and Communist machines to be the most OP tank on the block.

If that was the case I wouldn’t have suggested other nations get a buff as well.

Not mentioned in the original post, but later by you in the comment section. Yet again, I have come to the conclusion that, these tanks don’t need a reload buff, if they can easily be used properly, then they should I have no issue when used with proper tactics and positioning, not rushing enemy lines like a buffoon. I will be honest, when I’m bored and want some action I’ll just push up enemy lines, but when properly used by a skilled player, they can be unstoppable.

Not mentioned in the original post, but later by you in the comment section.


they can easily be used properly, then they should I have no issue when used with proper tactics

They barely have any advantages over medium and light tanks at their own BR.

but when properly used by a skilled player, they can be unstoppable

Until you encounter a second enemy while still reloading for a minute.

Yeah, balancing light tanks is weird, but it works, they have less armor and better guns, medium tanks are “medium” ground, not too powerful of a gun, and not too light of armor, and heavies are up armored, and have a weaker gun, that’s just how it is.

Yes, this is why a tank battalion in real life isn’t one tank, as one is useless when fighting multiple, I really don’t see your point here, unless your pushing up past enemy line, and have no support from friendlies. There is only one tank at this BR capable of being a 1 man army, I’ve held off an entire team, when my entire team was dead, and that’s the Strv 103, it has a 4.0 sec reload, decent armor, and decent mobility, also is a literal one man army; as it can be operated by one human.