Updated List Of Tanks Around 7.7 BR That Need A Reload Buff To Become Competitive again

There is a big difference in lifting heavy things while seated compared to standing up. Makes it a lot easier and faster. The space behind the breach alone should help with reload for the 183mm and is probably limited due to cooling rather than someone taking 30seconds to load charges. Sorry 40 even.


These are the current stock vs suggested stock reloads.

Examples given are the stock reload but the same difference should be applied to aced reload times.

The IS-2s have bad to mediocre armor, terrible gun handling and reload. In no way are they equal to a Tiger 2, T26E5 or T34.

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If these tanks (the WW2 and immediate post war ones) only faced other WW2 vehicles the reloads would be fine. However they are forced to fight stuff like M60A1 RISE, T-55AM-1, Rooikats, Chieftains, … in uptiers and even in a full downtier they have to deal with Ikv91, Type 99, Aubl, Fiat 6614, … All of these tanks are faster negate their armor and reload much faster. The reload is the biggest problem these tanks have and that’s why it need to be changed. There will never be a pure WW2 mode due to balancing so this ia the best option to maks them viable.

  1. Realism can be pushed aside for balance reason.

  2. Gaijin knows and does this already.

The IS-3 reloads in 26s stock while the IS-4M takes 27s despite a much larger turret and better ergonomics.


That’s why buffing the reload will make it a lot better…

Also don’t underestimate the IS-2. Having a 122mm that overpressures and penetrates insane amounts of sloped armor makes it very deadly.

The only thing holding it back is the slow RoF, limiting the amount of damage it can dish out.

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Yeah, makes no sense :)

you want conway and conqueror buffed? its already really really good

I’m a British main I want our stuff to be the best out of bias but that is just silly. fv4005 has more of a case because HESH is just not great in the game but a 32 second reload is already good enough.
expert your crews and put points into reload and commander and all of your issues are remedied

Try picking up and maneuvering a shell near the weight of a 9-14 year old child and maneuver it through a tank, and into a hole the same size as it, while maneuvering over rough terrain. They don’t need to be competitive because of their decent armor, or OP guns.

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All the American long 90s need a reload buff, M26E1 and T26E1 included. Theres no reason why a King Tiger with better armor, and better pen, needs a reload twice as fast.

you want conway and conqueror buffed? its already really really good

The Conqueror should get its APDS buffed and move to 8.3 as well.

expert your crews and put points into reload and commander

I do and I my enemies do the same. They still get to shoot 3-5 times while I’m reloading depending on the tank.

all of your issues are remedied


the american long 90s shell is quite a bit heavier than a lond 88s shell it is logical for the reload to be slower. i may be incorrect but it looks like there is also more space for the loader to move inside a tiger 2 turret, plus ammunition is stowed in an easier to access position

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Try picking up and maneuvering a shell near the weight of a 9-14 year old child

I’m certain I could beat all of the high caliber gun reloads with an hour of training.

while maneuvering over rough terrain

War Thunder doesn’t differentiate reload between standing and moving tanks.

OP guns

Tell me how a long 90mm or a 122mm is op at 7.7.

you dont play the conqueror much do you? really big canon will be slower to reload than small canon with lighter shells

The T26E1-1 hull should also be stronger than it is right now. Maybe the reload is realistic but it’s not good for balance.

No but I played against it plenty of times. The full stab with armor and that gun does not fit 7.7. It should rather get more damage on it’s APDS and go to the same BR as the T-10M. The Conq is more survivable with better HEAT protection while the T-10M does better against AP.

you dont play it, so you have no true opinion on how it is to play. buffing something just to put it into a higher BR so you don’t need to face it so often is quite comedic when it is still a vulnerable tank, hit the commander turret or mantlet or punch through the lower glacis. in uptiers its armour isn’t up to standards of 8.3 either. I think you’re playing heavy tanks away from their strengths, and seeing from your service record, you appear to rely on poorly balanced hyper armoured tanks to survive.

i recommend playing the tanks you want mildly buffed and uptiered significantly before recommending balance changes that will only benefit you, you’ve not even played britain above 4.7 so arent aware of the game strategy needed

they reccomended buffing tanks they play a lot and threw in a couple others to appear less biased, I don’t think they have accounted for how insanely heavy the shells are either

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you dont play it, so you have no true opinion


appear to rely on poorly balanced hyper armoured tanks to survive

Yes I main heavy tanks.

You seem to rely on op tanks to even get a positive KD.

seeing from your service record

We’re playing that game now? Maybe try to perform better before making an assessment about balance.

up to standards of 8.3 either

What do you know about the 8.3 meta? You play 1 nation.

i dont try to push for changes in other trees and I just enjoy the simple gameplay of the centurion tank family, nor do I tryhard.

the fox isn’t even op I just don’t beeline to bases, I do this thing called flanking so that heavy tank players get punished for not using the map to their advantage