[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

which means?

One things i can say so far in regards to playing around with the APHE changes on the Dev Server, both with Protection Analysis and playing a few battles.

For this to really be tested properly, then this needs to be tested on the live server, for one reason only, the sample size on the Dev Server is not big enough.

So far with the games i played, the biggest one i tried, was around a 7v7, where most of the games have been 2-4 on each team with bots in low tier tanks such as M3A1, T-28 or M22 to fill up the rest of the team (filling it up so there is 5 people on each team). At the same time, most people are playing heavily armored stuff like Tiger II, T26E5 etc. This can make it a bit hard to test smaller APHE shells, like the German 5cm APHE shell on the Sd.Kfz 234/2. And since the games are limited to 3.3 - 6.7, it is not possible to test API-T on something like Gepard.

Current players on Dev Server & one of the games i played, to show how few people are actually testing it currently.


Interesting take from someone who’s most played tank is a rank 3, but what do I know. If you want to flame at least be smart about it.

well should this be a ungodly technique to make your tank invicible ?

open a dictionary

That doesn’t give me your definition of “overly balanced”, or “hellscape” as it would pertain to WT.

And now draw the area of where it happens and the angles. Also you cheated by putting in 300m instead of 500m

Does it make your tank invincible to every other vehicle ingame, or just those with underpowered guns whose main strategy should be mobility and flanking instead of engaging from the front?

read Overly Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

So some things should be overperforming and some other things be underperforming just because this isn’t a competitive game (in your eyes)?

This side does suffer in lacking gunner kill, but you can pen from multiple angles targetting that joint.

cries in 75 jumbo

The 75 Jumbo is still absolutely more mobile than most Heavy tanks, and comes with a stabilizer to boot. The “Jumbo track/barrel torture” stereotype exists for a reason, it’s an effective tactic to use :P

Let me put it this way,

if this change is implemented into the live server without significant changes being made to other ammunition types in the game, you will have absolutely ruined your own game.

Becuase rounds which should spall will solid shot or APCR or APSFDS continue to do nothing and the filler rounds like the proposed APHE change will basically nuke their targets.

Worse still this means dependant on round velocity and projectile mass you will have some rounds overperforming at their BR, prime example a 122mm APHE round is going to be like a mini nuke going off when it pens, and thats having tested only 75mm/88mm and 100mm rounds these currently 1 shot without any effort at all.

This will be a game breaking change if implemented in its current state.

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For someone calling other people illiterate, I don’t think you fully understood my question, so I’ll try again
What is your personal definition/explanation of “overly balanced” as it pertains to WAR THUNDER?

If you go back to the thread you got the screenshot from you will know, jesus christ

the only weakspot that work on your three photo is the second and if you aim a little too high or too low it just don’t work because of the wheel.

Not too different than shooting a T-34’s mantlet or neck ring out then. A little too off to the side and it’s volumetric hell.

i’m playing rank 6 vehicles for quite some time, most of them having apds and apfsds shells. It’s actually quite nice using them, one shots are often.

This shell is balanced by a very long reload, other enemies will be able to fire about three shells before you reload, if you don’t manage to pen your target.

This shot gets removed as well as cupola shot, no you shouldn’t go face to face in t44.