[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

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couldn’t care less about your silly forum drama, take it to reddit or discord

btw where were you all when they added crew healing ? pretty sure its not realistic.

Both are much smaller and harder to hit (due to volumetric) than the Tiger’s massive, glaring cupola.

simply incorrect.

Why yes, the heavy tank can one-tap the medium tank in a head-on engagement (ignore that the Sherman 76 can also disable/kill a Tiger quite handily frontally)

We don’t have classes we have BRs. Any wehicle regardless of class should show same efficiency on same br regardless of a class, be it fox or M103.

or you could hit the ammo rack in the left hull sponson.

In case of non jumbo sherman, there’s high chance that you’ll get yellow ammo which you’ll never get in protection analysis.

You have many options, use of none of them implies no desire to change or improve.

Tiger has risk-free options. Jumbo has no risk free options, that’s demagogy

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Honestly, they should introduce bouncing of shrapnel along with this change. It would not be bad for performance either, they already calculate the shrapnel and the bouncing doesnt need to be 100% realistic.

Noone stops you from just using same clubs to club. Also these seal clubbers won’t go anywhere they will just use different vehicles.

tiger player be like “my tank is bad they can one shot me in the cupola” when they can oneshot everything they touch with the ungodly pzgr. .

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The fact that you can look at what this is going to create and think it will deter sealclubbing is unbelievable. This is making the Tiger H1 even more of a dream that is already is for clubbers.

fair enough.

We just need to nerf everything else a few more times, then it’ll be strong enough!

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Look at my later posts.

Sherman 76 can one tap a tiger from this angle and spot.

At 5.7? Against so, so many tanks that can rather easily frontpen it?

There’s literally been a guy in this thread showing many, many ways you can deal with even an angled one. Consider looking at them.

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Wdym forum drama?
It’s literally, in your own words, your stance on balance in-game.

yeah btw do you have any document on the tiger 1 having aphefsds ? pretty sure it has it irl.

Is this on live server?

Geez these people don’t care about things being balanced only when they want to seal club with their unbalanced things.

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if you weren’t completely illiterate you’d notice I wrote overly balanced hellscape

weird it doesn’t work when properly angle.


It’s even stronger on dev from what’s described - given that frontal cone shots become more lethal due to the penetrating head surviving.

The issue people cite is “you cannot frontally pen a tiger from front.”

I’m demonstrating it’s easily doable even while it’s angling its front.

And this shot hits their ammo rack as it goes in, so it’s got oomph.

Should being angled be pointless instead?