[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

also, you want to destroy tanks by shooting APHE at their extremities? try World of Tanks, it’s the game for you

on EVERY tank that uses APHE, unless you have secret info Gaijin didn’t show us

He simply does not understand.

However APCR is then double screwed because the calculator that WarThunder has for APCR is particularly horrible.

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Outstanding response, I’m speechless

Jumbo, using APCBC:

Seems the most guaranteed shot from this angle and distance.

The jumbo is the only one that I can imagine struggling against fighting tigers from up front.

But they can still cripple the tiger, and maybe with the improved head retention from APHE buffs, it might keep going past the turret ring on test server.

Turns out this strategy doesn’t really work well irl
HEAT shells were made to counter ww2 heavy armor, so perhaps we should move HEAT shell vehicles down
People relying on their armor to save them from anything other than a last resort should be punished as they were irl
Tigers did not just drive straight into shermans or t34’s and take hits in the way people use them in WT

Its not small, its not that hard to aim this weak point. Also you have jumbo cupola to make damage to it if it stays hull down. Jumbo can kill commander only, and then only thing you can do is track and barrel torture.

Tiger can onetap just sherman there

Meanwhile you need to hit exactly there to OHK tiger. Why us players need to aim but german players doesnt?


Moving the 8.0 MBTs back down to 7.7 where they were originally along with the T92 to 6.7? Now we’re back to where we started with 6.7 being a compression hell scape lol

we already have heat and heatfs around those brs, do you play the game at all?

It’s available as low as 3.3 in fact

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on mostly open-topped TD’s and .50 calable light vehicles, yes
Perhaps we should move proper HEAT medium tanks down to show people why relying entirely on armor is a terrible idea

Except it did work. Except against heavy guns and 17 pounder apds.

Many tanks in ww2 relied on their armour to take hits when advancing such as KV-1. And it did well in that regard.

Heavy tanks in ww2 existed for a reason.

But how about we go even step further, lets bring T-55s down to 6.0 so nobody will even think about relying on armour.

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Now you’re moving the goalposts, truly a juggernaut of intellectuality

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Both are much smaller and harder to hit (due to volumetric) than the Tiger’s massive, glaring cupola.

Why yes, the heavy tank can one-tap the medium tank in a head-on engagement (ignore that the Sherman 76 can also disable/kill a Tiger quite handily frontally)

You could do that, or you could hit the ammo rack in the left hull sponson. Or use your stabilizer (something he doesn’t have) to take out his barrel, then engage leisurely from there. You have many options, use of none of them implies no desire to change or improve.

You miss one small detail - aphe doesn’t have as much kinetic energy and shot mk8 has 190mm pen. Jumbo has 110, other shermans close to 150. Damage was compensation for that reduced pen, now we don’t have that on smaller calibers.

You mean like the ST-As at 6.3 BR (just .3 above the Tiger E) that get amazing optics, a good HEAT shell, and the historically amazing M82 if you decide to flank?

tbh the way warthunder work we shouldn’t remove weakspot from heavy bcs uh they are heavy duh-uh. bcs in that case heavy should also have a longer repair time due to complexe engineering, being more expensive due to well, havinge more armor and more developped engine. so yeah, if you want heavy to tank more, you need to have a drawback, tiger 1 was his cupola, now its not. you need to find something else to balance it or maybe gaijin will put it at the tiger 2 br who knows.

Yeah buddy, you really care a whole lot about balance


I don’t want APHE changed, it just adds time to kill, randomness in damage and destroy any sort of balance at low/mid tier. I don’t want to turn the game upside down because of some “realism” in an arcade game. You want realistic “damage” but not realistic outcomes, IRL the crew don’t just keep fighting after they get half of their crew splattered into the rest of the crew. So I don’t take realism as something valuable by itself in this game, for me gameplay matter more.

And realism has always being used as such in this game, to don’t get into the way of the enjoyment of playing the game, that’s why we can repair modules instead of counting as knocked out for a barrel/engine.